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The Friends of Acton Libraries Book Sale

Please check the library’s Events Calendar for upcoming sale dates and times. Information about upcoming sales is also available on the Friends Facebook page.

Book Sale Prices:

(subject to change)

  • Hardcover Books: $2.00
  • Children’s Hardcover Books:  $2.00
  • Most Trade Paperbacks*: $2.00
  • Children’s Paperbacks: $1.00
  • Mass Market Paperbacks: $1.00
  • DVDs and CDs: $2.00

Book Sale Leftovers:

People often ask us where the leftover books go at the end of a sale. We are lucky to be in touch with volunteers from charitable organizations who take many of them.

If you represent a charitable organization and would like books, please email the Friends at before the sale. The privilege of collecting on the day of the sale is extended only at certain times and to those who have called in advance.

Book Donations:

The Friends are grateful to everyone who donates books. 

We welcome all books in good condition, and we especially love to get good-quality children’s books. However, experience has shown that certain materials rarely sell. Consequently, we are unable to accept the following items as donations: magazines; paperbacks with very yellowed pages or covers torn off; books with torn or worn spines where the title cannot be read easily; books that smell moldy or have been stored in a damp area; books with highlighted or underlined text; books on topics that date rapidly that are more than five years old; Reader’s Digest Condensed Books; books discarded by another library; puzzle or workbooks that have been filled in.

If you plan on donating books, please understand that we cannot guarantee the destination or use of that book. Some people donate to us thinking their donation will end up on the Library shelves. Occasionally, that does happen. The staff checks most donations to see whether they contain a book that the library might wish to purchase, replace, or own additional copies of. But patrons cannot earmark donations for the Library.

Also, we cannot accept books on the day of the sale because we screen, sort, and evaluate donations, all of which requires more time, thought, and effort than we can afford to give them on sale days.

All donations to the Friends of the Acton Libraries are deductible to the extent permitted by law. Copies of our exemption letter, our exemption application, and all supporting documents are available for public inspection at the Acton Memorial Library.

Click here for more information about the Friends of the Acton Libraries.