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New Orleans July 7th 1863
Dear Sister
as I have not herd
from you for some time
I thought I would write to
you once more and let you
know what I am well and
hope these few lines will
find you enjoying the same
blessing I dont expect to
write you any news for there
ought to be plenty in the
North now lee is coming
that way with his army I
hope he will come far a nuff to
wake up the North and have
this war stoped it has been
going on long a nuff
I dont think our Officers
want to stop it as long
as they get good pay and
plenty to eat if they
only got 13 dollars a month
I dont think the war would [have]
lasted till now I hope the
Mississippi river
will be open soon we can get
news then in 4 or 5 days and
plenty of every things whitch
is our full high here now
I have just ben payed of 26
dollars and will send you 20 $
in this letter but the fellow
that works with me wants
me to lend him some so
I will only send 20 I dont
no as this is very safe
way to send it I have ben
taking with Capt about that
whitch you did not draw
but I had as lives talk with
a dead man there is 5 others
in the company be sides
me that has not drawn
mine is the smallest of
the lot they get the same
answer that I do when
they ask him any thing
a bout it my regt has left
the city and I dont think
they will come back at
present. I think I shall
go to one of the hospitals
to board if they dont I cant
aford to pay my board
there was a great time here
on the 4 great mass meeting
in the evening and torch
light poceshion I dont
think of any more this time much love
to all and a share for yourself A.J.F.