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South Acton October 30 1863
My son Jones I commence to write
again to you I got two Letter in two weeks
and I shall answer them this time and
Hepsa will write next time she is a
coming home Sunday so I will write
today for they will be so much talking
that I cant write we are all well and
hope these few Lines will find you well
Jones I am glad you did not go with
Company for I am afraid they will have
a hard time before they get back to
New Orleans I am glad Swift has wrote
but he don’t write home very often he
has so much to do he is in a stone quarry
now to work he is boss of stone work he got
hurt two weeks ago the derrick broke and
Killed one man and wounded another man
and a cut a gash in Swift Head and another
in his shoulder but he has got well now
he did not mean I should know it but
Morrill wrote to his wife and she told of it
Jones you know that tall [Henry?] Hapgood you
he went out with the 6 Regiment and
he has been sick ever since and they don’t
think he will Live but a short time he is
in consumption you wanted to know
how many potatoes about fifty bushels
how many apples sold eleven barrels at 2 dollars
a barrel and saved 7 at home for our use
and got sixty bushels for cider not many
this year how many chickens 30 how
many turkey 27 how many Hogs 2
how many horses 1 old Jed how many cows
2 the old ones and 1 Heifer and are a going
to have 2 more soon and got two nice hogs
and one cat and two dogs Milo and trias
Rueben and Emma are getting along nicely
Jonathan went a hunting yesterday and
got a grey squirrel he was grand I tell you
he say he will write by and by I did not
tell how much Corn for we have not husk
it all yet we had two acres before it was
got in the barn
you wanted to know if it was frosty here
we have a Little snow not a nough to make
the ground white it frose in my tub
back of the house an inch thick one night
Mr Bennet Father is dead and left him
guns and fishing boots and Lots of
things for fishing and gunning so he
wont have to borrow anymore in Acton
but in Feltonville [Hudson MA] where he Lives his
wife Lives there and keeps boarders
I cant think of any more this time
you wanted if Jonathan set snare this year
he has took them up he catch 4 skunks and
4 partridges and two rabbits and that is all
you wanted to know why he did not catch
muskrats he has catch 10 muskrats and
Solon has 4 muskrats and they dont want
to catch them till spring because they fetch
12 cents now and 30 in the spring
is Charley Brooks got well go and see him
and Let Mrs Brook where he is she feel bad
about him not hearing when he is sick
this from Mother to AJ Fletcher