The Civil War Letters of Aaron Jones Fletcher


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Letter dated April 23, 1864 from Nellie Dole (cousin), Marlborough, Mass., to Aaron Jones Fletcher

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            Sunday Eve
Marlboro April 23rd 1864

Dear brother
I sit down this evening
to let you know my shop aint going to be
close till Saturday and I shall have to work
untill then very hard I suppose.  but if you
do not come over here before then I shall
come over Saturday morning. I am very
sorry that it could not be this week
so I could be there Tuesday for I should
enjoyed it so much.  Swift is at home
is he not? I should like to see him but
I hear he is going off tomorrow. Did you
have a good time at the ball and have
you been down East. Mother is sick a bed


today but I am in hope she will be better
tomorrow. I am as well as usual I have
my pictures and they are dreadful ones. Have
you  yours yet you must remember your
promise about coming over here before you
go back come over and I will go home with
you “that is if you would like to have me”
How is Hepsey  ask her if she has a swing over
in the barn if not to have one all ready for
me But I am going to church this Eve
and so I must close. Love to all and kiss
for yourself. I am as Ever you
Remember and come over this week