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Ciselis Creek near Strawsbury Va
Sunday Eve. Oct 23rd/64
My Dear Cousin
I am in my
glory, just having given Mr. Rebs
one of Phil Sheridans Spathy [Sympathy] Pills
Cousin you cannot expect me
to answer evy letter instantly that
comes to my hand, many many are the long
tokens of regard. I daily cast twards
the home of my childhood days, by
this you see, I by no means forget those
at S Acton. Many times it is weeks
before we can send, or even write our
friends at home. You will agree with
me in this as you read the activity
of the army in the Shenandoah Valley,
I assure you evy man has had to do
his part. Just thirty days from the
far famed battle of Winchester we have
fought and won another victory that
will send a thrill of patriotism emotion
through evy loyal heart in the north
I cannot describe the cenes [scenes] of Oct.
19th 1864 from five to six one half O cl [o’clock]
A.M. those in slumber were aroused by
terible roar of musketry from our left,
½ mi distant, at this moment I asure you
there were anxious faces gathered around
the smoking camp fires now to tell
the tale of that morn, thousands of
slumbering men woke for the last time
woke by the deadly misiles from an enraged
foe. Giving you our position, the 8th Corps
formed the left – 19th C the Center 6th the right
and the cavalry as reserve on the right of
the six Corps. Rebs in Union uniforms
managed to relieve our pickets on the
left surprised the reserves on picket – without
alarm this gave them full ingress to our
lines. Early massed his force on our left
and about five oclock AM they rested
their guns acrost the works of the 8th C and
poured among the shelter tents a volley
of musketey, then they charged capturing
many of our men killing & wounding
many more. So sudding was the attack, that
in one short hour all the strong works
were captured by a flank movement
think of ten thousand sheep leaping
acrost a open space one mi. in extent and you
have something of an idea of what folowed
this charge, but this was a mixture of
Horses Mules & men (rank in order) all for
his own wellfare. most earthly treasure was left
for convenience sake, the Horses & mules of
two Brig teams were shot down in the
attempt to escape leaving HeadQuarters
Bagage for distribution among the Johnys
which was soon duly inspected A solid
shot cut loose the fore span of horses
without damage to the H. sure a great fight
which caused men to stand aside and give
them the road. At this moment a perfect
rain of shot shells & bullets were falling
around us. This state of affairs did
not last long for Maj Gen Emery
brought the 18th Core into line and
sent home a few compliments to
Mr Johny Rebs this relished well with
our boys. Emery got his colums well formed
& charged & drove back to a temporary defence
of rails (Mr. Rebs). Gen Sheridan was at Winchester
and on hearing of the engagement came
into the field in a short time, evy one seemed
to be inspired with new life renewed courage
filled evy bosom and when he gave the word to
advance it was truly terible back went the Rebs
pell mell reversing the morning skidadel with more
velocity. We recaptured our works and captured
74 cannon 148 Ambalances & wagons 4,000 prisoners
& any amount of camp & garrison equipage. thus
defeat was turned into a most Glorious Victory
Dear Cous john is again safe. Your kind regards have
been signed sealed & delivered you wishes for my
welfare are acknowledged and in turn I send
you (with my compliments) my best regards hoping
you will comfort your absent cousin soon with
a letter from South Acton My regards to all
inquiring friends reserving a good allowance
for yourself. I remain as ever your affectionate Cous.
A.J. Fletcher
[ Abe J Andy forever ?]