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Shrewsbury Dec 4th 1864
Dear Brother
I received your letter
one week ago last night and was a going
to answer it last Sunday but found
I was short of paper so I had to
postpone it untill today we are all
pretty well Hattie has been a little
out of sorts for a day or two but guess
she will be all rite in a day or two
we were very glad to hear from you
it had been a long time since we
had heard (not since the 29 of June
only by way of Hepsey, she and Billy
Paul were up here last sunday he
came up to spend thanksgiveing
with Father and Mother and so he
thought he would come up here
he never was up here before
thought he should not like to
live up here it is so hilly
we are haveing very fine weather for
this time of the year the ground
is bare and the grass is quite green
yet have had a little snow twice
did you have anything different
for thanksgiveing dinner then
you did every day we had chicken
pie and that was all I done different
did not seem a bit like thanksgiveing
will have mine when you get home
most one year of your time is out
how fast time flies dont you think
it does? have you got into winter
quarters yet? if they do take the
wageon of this winter wont you
be likely to have it again in the
spring? do you hear from Martha
often her little girl has been very
sick they did not think she could
live but she has got well again
she had Cholera infanym
Hersinas folks were all well
Billy said he wished you was at
home he would like to see you
well Jones their is a good many
people here that think the war
is most over well I hope it is but
we cant see it you wanted to know
if N was for war or for peace he
is for peace but not for old abe
nor any of his pets I have written
you once letter that I have not got
an answer from perhaps you
did not get it I got a letter from
Mrs Foster last night she wanted
to know whare you was and sent
her regards to you they live in
Barrie Hartwell thinks he shall
come back to shrewsbury in the
spring well I dont have any news
I suppose my letters are rather dry
for I dont never have much to write
cant hear from home very often
but you must excuse them
and answer when you get time
I did not know only one of the
boys that were taken prisoners
that was H Brown we all send
our love to you and also to warren
how does he like; write soon
from your affectionate sister
Wealtha F Gates