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Lowell Jan 8th 1865
My Dear Friend
Your letter dated Oct 24th
came to hand in due season and I
through negligence have delayed
answering till now. hope you will
excuse me. I presume you have
heard before now that I am stopping
in this place. have been here since
the first of Oct. I like very much
find very pleasant acquaintances
I see a good many letters from friends
and am responsible for answering
them all myself so in this way I
neglected yours. I have received
several from Hepsa since I have been
here. have got one on hand of hers to
ans. now. I have just been home
on a visit of a week. spent Christmas
with Corrinna but I did not see Hepsa
at all. saw Mary & Reuben. they were
well. M. had a cold tho’ Hepsa
has been talking of coming over here
and I hope she will.
We are having considerable snow
this winter. have had nice sleighing
most of the time and it is improved
here too, but not much skating.
I presume Hepsa writes you all the
news from the Village. the marriages
and all. it seems as tho’ all the
young people were getting married
this winter over there but Hepsa
keeps up a good heart yet. there is
one Henry left.
I hear from the Navy
occasionally. think they are doing well
taking prizes now and then. I cant
imagine where your Reg. is now. I
have lost the track of your army
sorry to say it. hope you are not
seeing hard times tho’ I suppose there
is not much else to experience while
being in the army.
I fear my letter will not be
very interesting this time. I being away
from the friends which you are ac
quainted with
This is a pretty good place to
live in if one wants to enjoy them
selves if they only have their friends
with them. I should die of lonesome
ness I believe if I were in Factory Village
this winter. I was homesick being over
there only a week. I think you will be
tired reading such a dry letter so I will
draw to a close. hoping this will find
you in good health as it leaves me
now with the exception of a cold.
Please write again if you think me
worthy of it after so long a silence.
and remember me as your friend
ever Minnie
No 17 Hamilton Corporation
Lowell, Mass