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South Acton Feb 2nd/65
Thursday Evening
My Dear Brother
I received a letter
from you tonight but we was not
expecting a letter we was expecting to
see you Jonathan has been down to the
Depot for two nights to come Home with
you but he has to come alone Mr Goss
said you was comeing this week so we
thought how nice it would be to have
you here to go to the Levee Mother is
chosen to sell tea but she thinks she
shall not accept the invitation and I
shall not trouble them any way but I
expect Jonathan will go I dont know whether
he is agoing to take a Lady or not I suppose
you have heard that Leaura Jones had got
a “beau” Lowell Jones aint that a great
couple he has taken her all around this winter
Oh! I have had a letter from John
Shepard now I want to know who
the man he said you gave him
my address he said he had no Friends
to write to what kind of man is he
without Friends he must be like “Topsy”
“growed never had no Mother” well he
wrote a very nice Letter and I have
answerd it I dont care to have any
more correspondence for it takes me
all the time to answer what few I
have got not and I do dislike to write
so bad espescesly to strangers but you
see I am getting to write better than
I used to I had a letter from Billy
Paul last week he is agoing to Norfolk Va
to work in the Navy Yard this winter he
is coming North again in the Spring
George he is teaching School this winter
I am getting short for news I guess that
I shall have to do as you did put every
other word Hepsa but there aint nothing
stiring only “Corp. Bennett” has been
Home on a fifteen days furlough he went
back last night he come one week ago
last Monday Morning he never went out
untill the next Sunday he was sick
with a bad cold and the rehumatisan
in his shouldier and back he had
the Doctor twice Livermore of Stowe he
come Sunday morning and he told Bennett
that he did not think there any need
of him again Bennet was so mad he
got up and went down to the Hotell
and staid most all day and after
Supper he come up here and staid untill
nine o clock in the Evening he has been
at Home five times since you was here
he stays just long enough to get mony
enough to pay his fare and then he starts
but when are you comeing Miss Chapman
is dread to see you she saw a Soldier
get out of the cars and she thought it
was you so she took a “B” Line for him but
got sold that time if you dont got there
when you come she shall not like it at all
so you can see how the wimmon are anxious
to see you Edwin Tarbell has arived at Home
he has taken off his uniform never to put
it on again he is agoing to have it collard he is
fifty dollars poorer now than he was before he
come out there the Detective picked him up
quite a number of times but he had his
discharge so he got off what is Haynes out
there after his discharge aint he and it is
the opinion of the people around here that
Silas Blodgett is out there to see if he can not
get promoted to some great officer it is a
pity that they all could not get in office
and get big pay there is more fighting for
money than for the good of the country
about your picture I have got the best one this
time I have got but four I hope “Sally” will be
pleased with it” Oh! who does John Shepard look
like? is he an intimate Friend of yours you need
not tell him that I wrote to find him out
but I am getting towards the bottom of this page
I did not think when I begun that I would find
gossip enough to fill this but it seems that
I have my regards to Charly Morse did he get
my letter I did not know what to write to
him he being a stranger you write soon if
you are not comeing for we have a turkey all
cooked for to send to you but we heard you was comeing
so we shall not send it for you can get it when you come
we all send our love to you from your affectionate Sister
Augusta H Fl-------