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Acton Memorial Library |
Civil War Records of Aaron Jones Fletcher
[Acton Memorial Library archives, 1990.1.13]
Transcription by Wanda Null, 2009
Note: This is a literal transcription of Fletcher’s Diary, using his spelling and punctuation. Explanatory text is italicized in square brackets.
Consistent misspellings
knapsack- “ nab sack”, “knab Sack”
hour – “our”
dress parade – “dresperad”
n guard – “ongard”
countersign – “County Sign”
[Front inside endpaper]
Ship Island
Aaron Jones Fletcher
South Acton Mass 1862
[Title Page]
Pocket Diary,
Daily Remembrancer
A blank for Every Day of the Year,
for the record of
Interesting Events, Appointments, etc.
Calculations by
Benjamin Greenleaf, A.M.
Author of the National
Published by H.P. March
Nos. 17 & 19 Cornhill,
Wednesday, January 1, 1862
Ship Island. Misst Nab Sack drill from 8 till 9 [with] Reg Mente 10 till 12 A.M.
Reg 3 till 5 P.M. Grub hard Bread coffee
Don som washing
Thursday 2
Company drill from 8 till 9 A.M. Beg 10 till 12 A.M.
Beg from 3 till 5 P.M. grub soft bread ham
Super [supper] panbakes coffee hard bread
Friday 3
Nab sack drill from 8 till 9 A.M. Reg from 10 till 12 A.M.
Reg 3 till 5 P.M.
Saturday, January 2, 1862
know drill to Day went to the uper Island Ongates in bailt a reafet to Com
Down on got a barell of oysters got a back about 7 o’clock
Sunday 5
fine shower this morning in Spection this morning onguard to Day Very pleasant to [two] fun [gun] boats came here to Day
Monday 6
Came off of guard this morning nothing more to do till 3 o’clock Regt mentell from 3 P.M. till 5 P.M. Inspection of Arms
Tuesday, January 7, 1862
morning drill 8 till 9 Regt from 10 ti 12 P.M. And this afternoon we bered [buried] a soldier one of Company A first one of the Regt. Commenced raining.
Wednesday 8
knab sack drill from 8 till 9 A.M. Regt mentel from 1o till 12 A.M. Regt. 3 till 5.
Thursday 9
know drill this forenoon Rainy Regt from 3 till 5 P.M.
Friday, January 10, 1862
Knab sack Drill from 8 till 9 A.M. target shoot from 10 till 12 firing by Reg D. M.
took a spy.
Saturday 11
Know Drill today Cleaning guns washing
Sunday 12
Inspection heavy marching orders 8 ½ A.M. Meeting 4 P.M.
Monday, January 13, 1862
knab Sack drill 8 till 9 A.M. Company Drill 10 till 12 Regt 3 till 5 P.M. Comenced raining
Tuesday 14
Morning Drill one our [hour] target shoot Regt Drill 3 till 5 P.M.
Wednesday 15
Morning Drill Regt. 10 till 12 A.M. Dresperad [dress parade] Regt. 3 till 5 got wet
Fran’s post Arrived today Warm bisket pie
Thursday, January 16, 1862
Ongard to day to [two] transports Came here to day
Friday 17
Came off guard this morning Regt 3 firing by battalion blank catridge to [two] trans ports came here to day
Saturday 18
On guard this fore noon police guard on lodding wood off the Anna and wheeling it and piling it to [two] transports came to day
Sunday, January 19, 1862
Regt inspection at 8 A.M. inspection of quarters meeting at 4 o’clock P.M. Dres prade 5 P.M. Chase of the new london two rebel steamers
Monday 20
Knabsack drill 8 A.M. Regt drill 10 till 12 A.M. Dresperade 4 P.M. the sloop of war portsmouth left today
Tuesday 21
Regt drill 8 o’clock A.M. target shoot 10 o’clock A.M. Company e made the best shsot Regt drill 3 o’clock till 5 P.M.
Wednesday, January 22, 1862
Rainy this fore noon to work for the capin Regtmental line for Battalion drill
*Mail arrived to night received two letter 1 Shewresbury 1 from Leonet[?]
Thursday 23
wind bows hard and rains hard the tent blows down picking up wood to burn Regt mentel line for Dresperade
Friday 24
Regt line 8 A.M. till 9 nabsack drill Regt line 11 A.M. till 12 Regt line 3 P.M. for dresperade firing blank catridge the steam frigate feclin[?]
Saturday, January 25, 1862
Regt mentel line at 8 A.M. till 9 Cleaning guns after noon striking tents clening up for super pie doughnuts soft bread
Sunday 26
Inspection of Arms and quarters on guard today
Monday 27
Off guard this morning firing to target Company E makes the best shot mail to day washing
Tuesday, January 28, 1862
police guard to day on loding vessel wood oats corn a flag of truce came here to day had the British Counciler on board and wanted us to give up a schooner that was taken load with coffee stores
Wednesday 29
off police guard today steamer sota [Minnesota] came to day Regt. line for dres perade
Thursday 30
on our [one hour] nab sack drill Regt drill Cleaning guns beried one of the 9 soldiers knal sirs
Friday, January 31, 1862
Regt in Spection detail for special duty wheeling up ham to the Comsarys Niagiry [Niagra] left here last night
Saturday, February 1
Knab Sack drill one our [hour] Cleaning guns Cleaning up. the Georg gren sailed to day for Boston with some of the sick soldiers
Sunday 2
Inspecion of arms looking after Shells uesel [vessel?] Came here to day said to be the danis [damnest, dangerous] man of war meeting 3 ½ o’clock regt. line for dres pirade a chase be tween the new london and a rebel Steamer
Monday, February 3, 1862
one our [hour] knab sack drill Regt line at 10 o’clock tow [two] ours [hours] drill Regt lines for des peerage building a land battery two 12 pound guns heavy shower
Tuesday 4
detailed to work in the fort mounting guns mounted tow [two] long 9 inch guns brigade drill at to [two] o’clock under Gen phelps
Wednesday 5
on guard to day a pize [prize] come in to day taken by the water witch brigade drill under gen phelps
Thursday, February 6, 1862
off guard to day fired to the target Captain blod[?] left to day on the Steamer for home brigade drill at 3 P.M. under gen phelph.
Friday 7
on plice gard to day on loading wood and grain stores the gun boat Montgomery
Came here with a prize taken by the new London the thenomitor at 90
Saturday 8
a large Vessel came in last night the new London took a prize to day a steamer came to day said to be a English prize now [no] drill today it rains
Sunday February 9, 1862
know [no] inspection to day rainey and Cold
A Bark came here to day and a Chooner [schooner] Cold is [coldest] day we had as yet the thenomitor dow [down] to 40
Monday 10
knab sack drill 1 our [hour] Regt line 10 o’clock washing Regt line at 2 ½ o’clock for dresperade beradg [brigade] & drill under gen phelps one [of] the 9 Reg had his fingers shot off to day
Tuesday 11
know [no] nab sack drill this week Regt line at 11 o’clock Brigade drill at 3 under gen phelps detaild [detailed] to cut rushes
Wednesday February 12
morning drill the long looked for has come at last the Constitution on hored [anchored] here about 10 o’clo the lewis and anna took the Soldiers off about 2300 [2-300] know [no] mail on board Regt line for dresperad Bridgade drill
Thursday,February 13
morning drill Regt line at 11 o’clock Bridgade drill at 2 o’clock the water witch and kilor had a chase to day after to [two] Rebel Steamers but could not get a shot at um [them] two soldiers of the 12 Maine Regt died to day on board the Constitution
Friday 14
on guard to day Cold and wind a gun boat came here to day one of the brigad [brigade] Soldiers dide [died] to day brigad drill morning drill
Saturday, February 15, 1862
off guard this morning. Cold and rainey. Cleaning guns the Nigary [Niagara] Con. [came] here todaday briniging in tow a Choner [schooner] that was taken by her caring [carrying] 3 guns. She fired at her Suposing her to be the Constitution
Sunday 16
in Spection of arms one of the 2 Mass Regt. was kilied [killed] to day died on board the Constitution with the measles meeting at 9 o’clock minister Smith [name is crossed out] a Chooner [schooner] came in today mail came today
Monday 17
Rainey to day abill that was found on a SChooner [schooner] a bill of some goods that was bought in new orleans coffee 75 cents a lb
Tuesday, February 18, 1862
morning drill 1 our [one hour] know [no] more 10 o Clock drill this week the Constitution left here today detail of 5 company to Cory [carry] to the hospital the mail steamer came here to day and pay master
Wednesday 19
morning drill one our [hour] Cleaning out or tent and putting in new rushes a bark left here to day Regt mental line at 3 o’clock for dresprade regt drill
Thursday 20
morning drill 1 our [one hour] Regt drill at 3 oclock dres prade the gunboat South Courlnia [Carolina] Came here to day with a Steamer in tow taken in mobile bay the magnolia the engneer [engineer] was killed under taken to blow her up the Sloop of war Hartford came today.
Friday February 21, 1862
the new London Came in this morning with 11 fishing smaks in tow lost to [two] men the mail Came in this morning the kilor left this morning morning drill Regt. drill at 3 oclock.
Saturday 22
morning drill 1 our [one hour] lined formed at 11 ½ oclock and the Band played hail Cloumbi [Columbia] while the nigria [Niagara] fired a slute [salute] of 36 guns and the same was fired from the fort and the band played the Star Spangled baner [Banner] know [no] more duty today
Sunday 23
inspection to day in spection of quarters on gard [guard] to day the mail steamer came to day meeting at 4 oclock
Monday, February 24, 1862
of [off] gard this morning fired to a target letters this morning Company E working the Canon Regt mental drill at 2 ½ oclock. Resprade [dress parade] at 5 oclock the Steamer montgomary left here to day two Chooners [schooners] left here to day
Tuesday 25
on police gard to day to vesels [two vessels] came here to day from Boston 120 horses on one of _- 4 died Regt drill 3 oclock now [no] work on police to day the Boys went to be Vaxanated [vaccinated] to day.
Wednesday 26
off police to day packing up sores [stores ?] on loading horses off the undanted morning drill on the Canon Regt drill at 3 oclock rise [rice] for Sucper pleasant
Thursday February 27 1862
practice on the Conon [cannon ]1 one our [hour] detail to wheel sand filing up the mud hole know [no] drill this afternoon Cleaning up for inspection dres perad [dress parade] at 5 oclock
Friday 28
general in spection to day of the hole troops by general felps know [no] more drill to day till 5 oclock dresprade the magnolia left here to day cariade [carried] the mail
Saturday March 1
took a mans place on grarard [guard] police went onto a Sloop and on loded spiles [supplies] to [two] hundred men detailed to go to the upperend of the island to get wood the Sloop of war pensdia [Pensacola]come here today with a trans port the South Carlina and the magnolia left here
Sunday March 2, 1862
inspection today by the Captain yesterday the new London went to miss City with Col Jones meeting at 4 oclock dres perade 5 oclock Capt Reed of the new london Gave a Schooner to the 26 for firewood went down to hall [haul] it out
Monday 3
Cold and windy tent blown most down went to the hospital for Coof medisens [cough medicine] Regt line for dres perade Some of the raingers went out in a boat and was blown out to sea Niagara left to day
Tuesday 4
hauling up wood for the cooks morning drill went down and pool on the schooner Regt drill and dres perade great fire of [off] Cat Island
Wednesday March 5 1862
morning drill at the Canon 1 our Regt drill desperade at 5 oclock the Steamer Roda Island came to day the pensola left today a trading Schooner left today three Rebel soldiers came over today pick up by the new London
Thursday March 6
on gard to day a brige [brig] Came here to night to [two] gunboats Came here today an a Sloop of war Richmond the mail Came here to day got a paper 1 our [hour] drill
Friday 7
of [off] gard [guard] to day Cold and windy water froze over a Chooner [schooner] and a Ship came here to day one our [hour] drill on the Conan Regt drill and dresper practice on the Conan [canon] Firing
Saturday March 8 1862
on police duty the Steamer Fulton came today with to [two] regts on 12 Con and 13th Maine and a sailing vessel with the 14 Maine Regt went on board the lewis went over to Steamer and tok [took] the troops of [off]
Sunday March 9
The ido q came toda with the three Maine batterys and the 8 th NH Regt the landed and pitch their tents. Col Jones with 100 men and a gunboat went over to miss City and was attacked by some Rebels
Monday, March 10
agun boat came today the battery came today onloading the idoq throw her stores over board morning drill on the Conon begrade [brigade] drill Reagt gen phelps
Tuesday March 11, 1862
morning drill on the Cannon Bradge [brigade] drill 11 Regt under gen phelps 22 mortar boats come here today and a Sloop of war taking off their mast putting themselves in Fiting [fighting] order payday today Received $900 doled home $100 a month
Wednesday 12
the Constitution arrived to day with the Indinia Regt and the W.I S. Regt and the NJ Regt the idoO got of the bar today 3 more mortar boats came today dresperad
Thursday 13
Morning drill on the Canon to day the troops landed and pitched their tents on loading horses of [off] the ocen [ocean] perl bridge [brigade] drill 5 regt Gen phelps
Friday, March 14, 1862
morning drill on the Cannon 10 oclock drill one our [hour] know more drill today rainey and windy a back came to day grub Roton ham hard bread
Saturday 15
on gard [guard] to day lieut. Wood went on board the Constitution to day for home the mortar fleet Sailed to day 22 mortar boats and 3 steamers morning drill dresperad
Sunday 16
off gard to day the Constitution left to day the Calhoon and new London went to Bloxi on acruse [a cruise?] Chuch 11 oclock dres perde [dress parade] 5 ½ gunboat left today
Monday, March 17, 1862
two ours [hours] drill bradgade [brigade] drill from 3 till 6 the Irish have no drill today to [two] steam boats came to day flat botom [bottom] gun boats the Sloop of war peble [Preble] left to day
Tuesday 18
one our [hour] drill double quick 10 oclock 1 our [hour] drill the 8 regt [..?] Came to day to other boats bredgade [brigade] drill to day 5 Regt. towo [two] flat botom boats left last night Showery to day
Wednesday 19
Morning drill 1 our [hour] 10 oclock Regt drill 1 our [hour] to [two] transports Came to day and a gunboat now [no] drill this afternoon rainy
Thursday, March 20, 1862
morning drill 1 our [hour] Regt drill 10 till 11 oclock Regt drill from 4 till 5 P.M. A Steamer Came here to day loaded with troops Said to have Gen Butler onboard brought a mail a nother Steamer Came this afternoon loaded with troops
Friday 21
Morning drill one our [hour] double quick now Regt drill this forenoon Regt drill this after noon at 4 oclock till 5 oclock windy and Cold grub hard bread Salt horse
Saturday 22
morning drill one our [hour] no more drill today leaning [cleaning] guns & getting ready for inspection Some of the soldiers landed today a gunboat went out to day the nigar women at the hospital was buried today windy and Cold
Sunday, March23, 1862
A gun boat Came today ---- in spection this morning gen Butler landed today and was saluted with 13 guns our Regt was put in to the 2 brigade under Gen Williams no meeting today
Monday 24
Morning drill with nab Sack marched to the upper [upper] end of the encampment gard meanting [meeting] with nabsack have to ware nabsack on gard the mail Steamer Came today bradge [brigade] drill no mail for the 26 10 oclock drill
Tuesday 25
morning drill 1 our 10 oclock drill Bridgade drill at 3 till 5 1/2o oclock new London had a fight today with to [two] Rebel steamers whitch lasted to [two] ours [hours] not mutch damges to the new London bad Cold George weeks was buried to day water
Wednesday March 26, 1862
Went to the hospital and got excused from duty bad Cold Maile came today got a letter from Shewsbery a flag of truce Came over today with 3 men and 4 women and a baby brigade drill with nab Sack today
Thursday 27
ongard to day Super numeral not very well to day very hot to day morning drill 7 till 10 AM nab Sack brigade drill firing blank Catridge [cartridges] a man Come to day from new orleans flour 50 dol a barel
Friday 28
morning drill at 8 am till 10 with nab Sack went ongard at 4 AM Steamer Connecticut brogtt [brought] a mail none for the 26 a rebel Come over last night brigade drill 4 till 6 pM with nab Sack firing blank Catrig [cartridges]
Saturday March 29, 1862
Morning drill 8 till 10 A.M. with nab Sack mail Came to day marching orders to day with 4 days Raiton [rations] Cleaning up angetting [and getting] ready to march Inspection at 5 oclock by Gen Willam Shirke drill to day
Sunday 30
to [two] Steamers run the blockade this morning Inspections of arms holding oe selves [ourselves] in readiness all day a steamer Came to day dresperade with heavy marching orders mugy and hot fore [four] days rations salt meat hard bread
Monday 31
Cold [called] into line at 9 ½ oclock holding ourselves in readiness all the time Cold [called] in a line at 10 ½ oclock march to the wharf then had to march back to qarters [quarters] hold our selves in ready ness all day dresperade new london got a Shore
Tuesday, April 1, 1862
morning drill from 7 till 10 AM brigade d rill in the after noon from 3 till 5 ½ PM heavy marching orders the Shirks have to got to the gard house and do all extra duty under marching orders hot mugy
Wednesday 2
morning drill from 7 till 10 AM brigade drill 3 till 6 PM the 9 Regt went over to the Rebel shore with to [two] gunboats yesterday a flag of truce went with a girl to the other shore and was fired on the 9 went over to hs wrn out
Thursday 3
morning drill 7 till 10 AM brigade 3 till 6 PM Sham fight taking of a fort and sirmish [skirmish] a bark Came in to day Knab Sack all day under marching orders eating out of our 4 days raitons [rations] mugy and hot
Friday, April 4, 1862
West to the hospital and got excues [excused] bad cold heavy firing heard at an earley our [hour] this morning the flash of the guns Could be plainey seen the Steamer hatters brout [brought] in a rebel Steamer
Saturday 5
The 9 Regt Came back this morning they routed a rebel Camp of a bout 800 men leaving every thing behind our men packed their things in a pile and burnt them 4 vesel come today
Sunday 6
in spection of arms in quarters this 8 AM by our Captain meeting at 5 PM last nite their was 5 of the 12 Maine boys went in to bath and was drowned got a letter from home today bad cold
Monday April 7
morning drill at 7 oclock prade [parade] this side of the Gen Wiliams with nab Sack brigade drill at 4 oclock with nab Sack Gen Butler Col Jones went to the South west pass Cold getting better Cut rushes to make a bed
Tuesday 8
Excused from drill to day bad Cold and Colic pains Gen Butler Col Jones came back today morning drill from 7 to 9 AM nab Sack brigade drill from 4 till 5 ¼ nab Sack Showery windy Cook our one [own] bread herd [heard] that nor folk was taken
Wednesday 9
Excused from duty to day went the hospital and got some medicine feel better tonite made some tea for super [supper] morning drill with nab sack Review of the hole [whole] division by Gen Butler
Thursday April 10, 1862
morning drill at 7 oclock till 9 ½ AM with nab sack brigade drill from 3 till 6 PM with nab sack Cold no better grub hard bread ham for diner [dinner] super [supper] hard bread and Coffee a vessel Came in this morning
Friday 11
morning drill brigade drill with nab sack Called out on a line and sent back to quarters wate [wait] for orders Called on a line and went double quick to the prade [parade] ground and dismist [dismissed] Sham fight rainey grub hard Bread Cold no better
Saturday 12
went on a line at 7 oclock and was dismissed on a count of the water fired to the Staver by Company. Cleaned my gun 3 soldiers killed lat [last] nite and 5 wonded wint down to see Gen Butler a bout State ade main today to [two] letter great rain last nite
Sunday April 13, 1862
in spection of Companys quarters [crossed out] in Company quarters Sundy Surcevies at 5 oclock PM Lieut bladger Came in to our Company to day dres peride [dress parade] at 5 ½ PM marching orders to morrow with 3 days raitons [rations].
Monday 14
went out on aline a 7 ½ AM marched up to the perade ground in heavy marching orders and then ways dismist was Called in aline at 10 AM the Col in spected our nab Sack [knapsack] marched to the perad ground and got got some blank Catridge fired
Tuesday 15 [written in pencil]
Called on a line at 7 AM for morning drill Col Jones made a short adress to the Regt we were Called on a line 2 PM And imbarked on board the lewis and then went on board the Steamer Mississippi the 26 Regt and the 31 Regt
Wednesday, April 16, 1862 [written in pencil]
Weighed anchor at 9 ½ AM Crossed the bar and drop anchor to take on some ice took the North America in toe [tow] hoist Anchor Steamer out to Sea grub Salt horse
Thursday 17
morning out to Seas felt Sea Sick all day broke our engine and left the north America go to pass Saulter at noon Could not Cross the bar so went to South west pass and Anchored for the nite
Friday 18
took a pilot on board and Crossed the bar and Steemed up the river to the head of the passes and anchored. Gen Butler went a Shore to a small house heavy heavy firing herd [heard]
Saturday April 19, 1862 [written in pencil]
lay at anchor all day the Matanogs Came back at nite the Saxon left here at 4 PM for Ship Island firing herd all day some seen bursting of shell on gard to day Saxon left 3
Sunday 20 [written in pencil]
Rany this morning off gard a gun boat Came from from the fleet the firing was sill kept up from the fleet and booth forts a gun boast brout [brought] the wounded sailors
Monday 21 [written in pencil]
the gun boat took the large rifle gun off the Mississippi firing is kept up all day the Lewis arrived to nite the Walise [Wallis] was sunk at sea loaded with prisoners
Tuesday, April 22, 1862
hoist Anchor this AM Seamed [steamed] up the river with in about 5 miles of the fleet harsed [harassed] a gun boat disabled one mast gorn [gone] the plany seen drop anchor about an our [hour] then went to the fleet
Wednesday 23
heavy firing all nite fire [five] boats sent down the river no damaged doe [done] Co B sent to Cut wood for the lewis [St. Louis] Saw alagator to day Vessels trimed up with Brush to disgise them Selves.
Thursday 24
the fleet kept up fire all day and nite at 3 oclock the hole [whole] fleet was firing and [at] booth [both] forts hoist anchor and went down to the head of the passes Crossed the bar and went to Sea
Friday April 25, 1862
got aground 7 or 8 times and then Came round in rear of fort Philip and Anchored for the nite the lewis [St. Louis] and Sacon Came to day to take us off the Saxon went to Sip [Ship] Island for Cole [coal] no firing from the fort
Saturday April 26
orders for 3 days rations dis in barked on board the gun boat Miami and went up the bay [as far as] as we Could Sail then anchored had to [had to] Say on board all night so Crouded Could not lay down
Sunday 27
Earley this morning we im barked in small boats and Started fo the Shore which was about 10 Miles to a place Called quarintine Station miss and in it Camped in a larg brick house on gard
Monday April 28, 1862
detailed to go down with aboat after Soilders on board the lewis [St. Louis] to [two] hundred prisoners taken last with their equipment more prisoners taken today the Stares and Stripes float on booth forts
Tuesday 29
yesterday the battering ram was blown up Saw it plain the 21 india [Indiana] Regt Came up to day Gen Butler Came from new Orleans an said the Stares and Stripes was on the Coustom house went into Fort St. Philip
Wednesday 30
Camped out in the rite winey [wing] of the fort went looking over the things that was left by the rebls lieut Col Fair Came down tonite on gard to nite Couty Sagn [countersign] to nite Jones grub hard bread
Thursday, May 1, 1862
Mail Came today 4 letters fore letters for me Cleaning up the old rubish in the fort went a fishing in the fore noon Col far [Fair] and some of the boys went over to fort Jackson grub soft bread
Friday 2
Co K and Co B Came here to day fatigue duty to day up in the fort in spection of arms several of the prisoners that was in fort Jackson Came here to work to day
Saturday 3
on gard to day mooved our tents to [two] Companys Came here to day Cleaning up the fort fresh beef, beef soup for diner the band Came to nit [tonight]
Sunday, May 4, 1862
off gard this morning went over to fort Jackson to day Saw a large alogator County Sign Ship island dres perade at 5 ½ AM grub soop. A large gun boast Came up the river
Monday 5
detailed for extra duty today rooling beef out of the casements drill at 5 P.M. dresperade 6 P.M grub soop rice green peas in the market to day Show [shower] today
Tuesday 6
the Steamer Tennesee Came here tonite with the 12 C.O.N. and the rist of the 26 detail this morning police duty went the boats Crew took the freight and rist of drill at 5 PM dres perad 6
Wednesday, May 7, 1862
morning drill 7 till 9 AM. pde [parade] 9 ½ till 12 police 2 ½ till 6 one of the Co. D fellows was beried [buried] today on loading hard bread sugar off transport fill the tank with the engine prisnor came from new Orleans
Thursday 8
morning drill on the heavy guns fird to target (using) the Charge that the rebels loaded mail went out today sent six letters infantry drill 5 more Contra bands 6 today
Friday 9
on gard rainy while gard mountain County Sgn pitts Burg 16 Contrabame today grub bread and water the transport Gen Butter went to New Orleans
Saturday, May 10, 1862
Came off gard thas morning went and washed
washed a shirt drawed a white shirt went down the river to whare the Chans was dirty for grub In spection rice for grub
Sunday 11
Regt mental Inspection Church at five oclock dres perade at 6 oclock grub fresh beef bread Coffee the Saxon Came here to day a regt went past by to new Orleans played as they past [passed]
Monday 12
on gard Super Numeral the Co drilled on the guns dres perad 6 oclock a French Steamer went to New Orleans went to a nigar dance to nite grub hard coffee
Tuesday, May 13, 1862
on gard today County Sigen Washington the Company drilled on the big guns to [two] ours [hours] in the fore noon and to [two] in the After noon grub hard bread coffee
Wednesday 14
off gard this morning no more work to do till 6 oclock dres perade drawed a pair of Shoes and to [two] pair of socks dres perade 6 PM In spection of Armys grub bread coffee beried [buried] one of Co K men to nite
Thursday 15
morning drill on the big guns to [two] ours [hours] on a line at to oclock drill on the big guns 2 ours [hours] dres perade 6 PM grub bread meat very hot went to Nigar meeting
Friday May 16, 1862
morning drill to [two] ours [hours] fired the big guns went up to the woods Saw to [two] large Alagators
Cort marshal held at Capt Chatman’s quarters the band went down the river beried [buried] one of Co Ds men today
Saturday 17
on gard to day the Co drilled on the guns 2 ours [hours]
County Sign Brunswick grub sower [sour] hard bread coffee the Band went to New Orleans to nite to [two] transports went to New Orleans
Sunday 18
off gard this morning very hot today. a fine Show [shower] a bout 3 oclock made it Some Cooler dres perade 6 oclock meeting five oclock got to sleep and was not out Spanish man of war Came here to day
Monday, May 19, 1862
morning drill to [two] ours [hours] on the big guns line form at to [two] oclock Some of the boys went to the gard house one our drill on the guns dres perade 6 PM tryed to Catch some gar
Tuesday 20
morning drill to [two] ours [hours] on the Canon line formed at to [two] oclock one our drill at foure pm dres perade 6 P.M. 11 Contra bands Came down this morning grub low and Stinking meat
Wednesday 21
went to the Surgeons and got Some Salts and oil the Company drill to [two] ours [hours] on the guns line for at 2 P.M. dres perade 6 ½ a French vessel Came up here today grub hard bread beans
Thursday, May 22, 1862
morning drill to [two] ours [hours] on the big guns line form at 2 oclock drill on the guns 1 our dress perade 6 PM grub hard bread coff [coffee] Sore throt [throat]
Friday 23
Sore throt went to the hospital and got Some liniment morning to [two] ours [hours] on the guns line form 2 P.M. dres perade mail of one letter Came to day Comenced to build baricks
Saturday 24
the Company to work on the baricks to [two] fine Showers this morning Sore throt sick all day no drill to day head ache bought a pound of honey [very faint]
Sunday, May 25, 1862
detailed for gard to day Stormy to day County Sign Brighton throat some better the Anglo America went to the passes grub hard bread Coffee Rainy all day good Centry box
Monday 26
Off gard this morning went be hind the fort and fired our muskets no drill for me to day was Called on a line. to be mustard in on our pay roll dres perade 6 ½ PM
Tuesday 27
morning drill to [two] ours [hours] on the Canon line form at to [two] PM one our [hour] drill on the Canon 5 build ding baracks Sore throat not very well grub hard bread Coffee Salt horse
Wednesday May 28, 1862
morning drill to [two] ours [hours] on the Canon Shirked drill this morning line form 2 oclock one our [hour] drill on the Canon 5 PM dres perade 6 PM got our new pants got a letter from home
Thursday 29
Detail for gard to day County Sign Big bethel the Co drilled on the guns mooved into our new baricks bunk long with John Fletcher grub hard bread Coffee
Friday 30
Off gard this morning new Blouse now [no] drill for me to day Clean my gun got ready for in Spection dress prade 6 P.M. Some of the prisoners women came to day grub hard bread coffee
Saturday May 31, 1862
Monthly in Spection at 8 A.M. went out on in Spections and was sent back to Clean our things went out at 10 AM in Spection at 6 PM noth [nothing] to do to day grub hard bread Coffee
Sunday June 1
In Spection at ten oclock a french vessel part here to day Chuirch 5 P.M. dres perade 6 PM grub bake beans Soft bread Shower tonite Slep most all day lost my diner
Monday 2
detaled for gard to day County Sign Belay grub fresh beef hard bread Coffee to [two] Steamers went down today the French Veseell went by today Col Jones went to new Orleans to nite
Tuesday June 3, 1862
off gard this morning fired our muskets weren’t too bad Captn went to new Orleans to day went a black berang dres perade 6 PM nothing to do till dresperad grub bread Coffee
Wednesday 4
morning drill 2 ours Shirked drill this morning Mail came from new Orleans this morning grub beans Soft bread Co F went to fort Jackson today
Thursday 5
morning drill to ours on the guns then took a stroll up the River got went some saw a dead Rebel in the water line form 2 P.M. one our [hour] infintry drill dres perade 6 PM grub potoes fresh meat
Friday June 6, 1862
Detailed for gard to day County Sign Trenton part of the mortar fleet past [passed] here today grub Salt beef hard bread Small mail came down to nite
Saturday 7
Off gard this morning nothing to do till dresprade 6 ½ PM Several mortar boast [boats] past [passed] here to day Mail Steamer went to new Orleans to day grub Salt beef soft bread no more hard bread for present
Sunday 8
In Spection at 8 A.M. no more drills today beried [buried] one of Co C men today and a nother died to nite Several mortars past here today grub beans and Soft bread
Monday June 9, 1862
morning drill to ours on the big guns in the rite wing one of Co C men beried to nite one our drill 5 PM infantry dresprade 6 PM grub ham potatoes bread a larg transport came by today
Tuesday 10
mornintg drill 7 till 8 ½ A Small mail Came nothing for me Capt Chatman came from New Orleans to day one of Co H men beried this After noon grub Sale beef bread Vegatb wrote a letter home
Wednesday 11
Detaled for gard to day County Sign Beaufort Mail Steamer went to new Orleans from Boston Several transports went up today grub Salt beef bread one of Co. H men beried to day
Thursday, June 12, 1862
Off gard this morning nothing to do till dresprade. Signed the pay roll to nite grub beans Soft bread Coffee County Sign Beaufort not very well to day
Friday 13
Mail Came down from New Orleans this morning got a letter from home morning drill 7 till 8 ½ AM 1 our [hour] infantry drill dres parade in spection of arms grub Bacon potas bread
Saturday 14
morning drill 7 til 8 ½ AM went a fishing Cought nothing all the Contra bands Sent out Side of the lines no dresperade in Spection grub mustang beef bread Cleaning gun
Sunday, June 15, 1862
In Spection 8 AM Mail Came down this morning no letter for me no meeting today dresprade 6 ½ P.M. grub beans pototes not very well today [crossed out, then rewritten]
Monday 16
detaled for gard to day County Sign Benington Came to our quarters and Slep new Dr. Came here from New Orleans grub potatoes pork bread Sold a pair of pants for a 1.00 took pay in horse Railroad tickets post [passed] 8
Tuesday 17
Off gard this morning fire off our guns Clean an nothing to do till dresprade 6 ½ PM Batallan [battalion] drill 5 till 6 PM grub string beans broiler corn potoes Cucumbers washed shirt Steamer Came from New Orleans Mail at New Orleans
Wednesday, June 18, 1862
Rainey this morning no drill this morning infantry drill 5 PM dresprade 6 pm mail Came down from New Orleans to nite got three letters to [two] from home forty firous [five] days old grub Mustang beef bread not very well to day
Thursday 19
morning drill one our ½ very hot to day some of the gard Sun Struck Infantry drill one our dresprade 6 ½ PM wrote a letter home to day better to day grub beans hard bread
Friday 20
Detailed for gard to day County Sign lexington port grub hard bread beef coffee ten days rations Came down this morning Col Goodwin Commander of the port Col Yah [?] under a rest [arrest]
Saturday June 21, 1862
Off gard this morning Seven Steamers went down to day Showery to day Cleaning my gun then went a fishing grub Vegetables Cabage Co In Spection more of the Contra bands went bash [back] to day
Sunday 22
Monthly In Spection 8 AM Meeting at 11 A.M. Went over to Fort Jackson this after Noon dresprade at 6 PM Several Steamers Came down to day
Monday 23
White widermelons
Morning drill 1 our [hour] on the Canon in the rite wing no dresprade to nite. Henry Spaulding died this morning Buried to nite fishing most all day
Tuesday June 24, 1862
Detaled for gard to day County Sign Trenton past 1 [of the] Steamers time & tide brought the mail down this morning got a letter Wm A. Leydston a party went down Oystern [oystering] today three transports went up today
Wednesday Jun 25
Came Off gard this morning dresperade 6 PM very hot to day grub tea bread salt beef wrote letter to William Leydston
Thursday 26
Morning drill 1 our 7 AM. got out new Sereans to day received 4 papers to day from Eliza dres prade 6 ½ pm 1 our drill 5 till 6
Friday June 27 1862
Morning drill 1 our 7 till 8 AM went a firshing all the forenoon Cout [caught] nothing grub bread Salt gunk water drill 5 PM till 6 dres perade 6 PM tea for Super bread Signed for Clothing
Saturday 25
Now [no] drill this morning Shower went up the River a bout 4 miles to a Orang grove got Some green oranges no drespraed in Spection in Co quarters grub Salt beef new potates
Sunday 29
Detailed for gard to day post [passed] 3 County Sign Norfolk weeking [weekend] in Spection by Company Comanders mail this morning 1 letter for me grub boil Corn Salt beef
Monday June 30, 1862
Off gard this morning In Spection and mustering for our pay by Col Goodwin had to go and be musterd after Came off gard dresperade 6 pM
Tuesday July1
Morning drill 1 our on the rite wing guns dresperade 6 PM Shower 3 pm heavy showers all nite water running through the bunks blank [blankets] wet through. Sale Beef tea for super washing
Wednesday 2
Morning drill 1 our drespreade 6 ½ pm Showery all day Squad went up the river to the Store Mail Went home to day on the traidwind
Thursday July 3, 1862
Detailed for gard this morning County Sign Burlinton post [passed] 2 part of the gard taken off to day and put on nites. Several transports went up to day went round with the grand rounds
Friday 4
Off gard this morning Showers all day National Salute 12 A.M. 17 guns fired at Fort Jackson and 17 at fort Phillip Capt Chatman treated the Co fell over board from the wharf grub beef and coffee Salt fish
Saturday 5
got up at 6 oclock and started down to the bay after Oysten [oystering], Showery all day got back 5 pm. 6 men died out of the regt to day wren [Wren] Wheeler Co. E died Very sudden to nite rice for super
Sunday July 6, 1862
In Spection by our Capt only 30 men out on a line buried wheeler 4 pm. mail from home today got a letter from Swift grub Stud [stewed] beans
Monday July 7
detailed forgard this morning County Sign Lowell on post 2 more grub Came down on the time tide frank handley died to day grub hard bread port
Tuesday 8
Of gard this morning heavy Shower this morning Sleep till noon then Ceaned [cleaned] my gun filled the water tank dresperade 6 ½ grub hard bread Coffee pork
Wednesday, July 9, 1862
Went out and speard a gar this morning a boat load of the boys went to the store E. Co. [Company Commander] of the regiment went up the river. 4 Co. of the 13th Mo Regt Came today and delivered the men to Ft. Jackson
Thursday 10
Detaled for gard this morning County Sign Richmond post [passed] 11 C. Co. of our regt went to New Orleans the steamer went back to Ship Island after two more Regt [crossed out] Co to released us soft bread beef very hot to [two] prisoners got away from Ft. Jackson
off gard this morning went over to fort Jackson and then went up the river to the stores picked lots of lemons and rangs [oranges] got back and went on dres perade packed our blouce beef and bread
Saturday 12, 1862
Washed packing up expecting to go ot new Orleans to day heavy shower and a gail three ships and a Steamer one of the Ships lost one of her mast Mail Steamer
Sunday 13
Detailed for gard to day post [passed] 4 County Sign lendel lane very hot Severeal Steamers Came down to day under Marching orders grub soft bread ham
Monday 14
Off gard this morning detailed to bury one of Co H men went on gard to take a sick mans place the Savoy Came down to nite with one Co and the time and tide bought 1 to nit to relieve us
Tuesday July 15, 1862
Fired a Salute of 11 guns from both forts for Gen Dow the martar a[mortar] boats went down the river to day im barked on board the time and tide to [two] Co left Ft. Philip 11 AM for New Orleans
Wednesday 16
Readed [Arrived] New Orleans 8 AM showry all nite saw several nice plantations Coming up the river went in to lafyet [Lafayette] square and Odd fellows hall pitched somer tints [summer tents]
Thursday 17
Deailed for gard to day post [passed] 10 on the Street County Sign pencola –encer day Capt. Clark fine breeze to day the gard Called out to nite several Croudes gathered in the street
Friday July 18, 1862
Off gard this morning went[*] to the river and fired off out guns 5th marched round the City no dresperad to nite went into the tent to day
[*Switched to pencil from pen]
Saturday 19 [in pencil]
morning drill one our [hour] detailed our Co to go to the battery to gard went on at 9 and stood gard till 4 ½ alarm of fire about 1 AM
Sunday 20 [pencil]
I sick morning drill [all crossed out] sent my washing out got our Co excused from in spection be out the nite on gard Co Band E wer ordered with todays rations
Monday, July 21, 1862 [in pencil]
Went on board the Steamer Savory at 6 ½ pM started up the river wnet a bout 5 miles and took 6 prisnors and got back at 11 oclock a.m. left the prisnors at the Coustom house
Tuesday 22 [in pencil]
Detailed for gard this morning on pat Roll [patrol] gard to go round the city and pick up Soildeirs wnet out at 10 ½ pM only went out once brady laut gard
Wednesday 23 [in pencil]
off gard today the Steamer Can Came here to day [begins in pencil – writing much less controlled] heavy shower to nite our our drill 5 pM dres prade got new Caps
Thursday, July 24, 1862
A morning line form at 8 past in review by gen butler very hot Regt line form at 5 pm and dismissed til 7 to morrow rote a letter to weltha
Friday 25
One our drill Regt line 7 AM went out on a pass this fore noon Regt line 5 regt drill went down to the mint and back
Saturday 26
Detailed for gard to day on pat roll [patrol] gaard traviled round the City some took one prisoner
Sunday July 27, 1862
Came off gard Regt in spection went to the levee and dis Charged out musket
Monday 28
Cleaned my gun helped lay floors to the tents know [no] dres perade heavy shower went into the hospital to see the boys
Tuesday 29 [in pencil]
Morning drill one our line formed at 5 pm no drill dresperade 6 ½ got to [two] rounds Catridge wrote to [two] letters
Wednesday, July 30, 1862 [in pencil]
Made some tent pins one our [hour] drill musterd for our pay Regt line 5 oclock went out on prade on the street no dresperade was detailed to bery [bury] a man went a bout 5 miles
[x Sept 10]
Thursday 31 [in pencil]
was Call on gard to take a mans place went on at 11 PM came off this morning Sined the pa roll monthly in spection to nite
Friday, August 1 [in pencil]
one our drill this morning laying round in the Shade Regt line form at 5 one our drill dres prad at 6 ½ very hot to day
Saturday, August 2, 1862 [in pencil]
Nothing to do to day but Clean up Cour ams --races as drawed a pair of Shoes mit a cloner Cort marshald Shower to day [?]
Sunday 3 [in pencil]
Monthly in spection heavy Marching orders on gard as super numeral dres perade 6 ½ Several rows in the streets one man killed Cavelry wonded.
Monday 4 [in pencil]
Detailed for gard to day no 14 magazine oft [after] went on at 6 garded the prisoners in the day time
Tuesday August 5, 1862 [in pencil]
Came off gard to day the Steamer Ronake [Roanoke] brought a mail to day no drill to nite or dres prade Shower good health.
Wednesday 6 [in pencil]
Morning drill one our no drill to nite no dres prade to nite Shower to nite
Thursday 7 [in pencil]
Morning drill one our line form at 5 I read the Cesstener [sentences] of the prisoners dres prad on Canal St
Friday, August 8, 1862
morning drill one our drill from 7 till 8 line form & went out on to the Street to drill
Shower funeral psection [procession] of Gen Williams
Saturday 9
On gard to day no 10 South Side of lafayete St, County Sign Sotragad [Saratoga?] Very hot
Sunday 10
In spection to day Came off gard to day went to the wharf and dis Charged our musket
dres perade 6 ½ Shower
Monday, August 11, 1862
one our drill this morning Shower Steamer Came this morning regt line form 5 St drill dres perade 7
Tuesday 12
morning drill one our got a letter to day
Regt drill 5 dresprade 6 ½ Band played after taps
Wednesday 13
[Detailed for gard] crossed out
mail Came & paper 12 orders to march w0 days rations went to the depot and went to lake ponchrame [Pontchartrain]
Thursday, August 14, 1862
left the landing at 11 AM went past for pike went to ship Island left to [two] prisnors on gard to day went a shore looked round
Friday 15
off gard to day left Ship Island last nite 7 went up the Sound till 11 then anchored of [off] bay St. louis went a shore went a bout 2 miles took a few guns then went to lake ponchrane [Pontchartrain]
Saturday 16
morning went up a rive to the rail road bridge found the batters [batterys] deserted then Came back to the landing took the Caro went home
Sunday, August 17, 1862
morning in Speclion [inspection] orders to pack up be redy to start at a minates warning
dresperade 5 detailed to go to the wharf to get a lieut wounded
Monday 18
detailed for gard to day Sack of guns fell down fenake [broke] my gun clocefy the gard
mail Came here to day got a letter from home
Tuesday 19
off gard to day went to the Coustom house to get my gun fixed Could not Regt drill 5 went down by Rutte
no dres perdae to nite Rote a letter
Wednesday, August 20, 1862
did not drill tis morning laying round not much to do Regt drill 5 1/1 dres perade 6 ½ not
very hot today pleasant
Thursday 21
morning drill did not go out payed off to day $ 112 Sent home $40 very Cooll to day month worth $110 pay what I old [owed] dres prade 6 1/2
Friday 22
Detailed for gard to day the boys having a good time a good many drunk today very Cool to day niges Spy a new man Came in our Co
Saturday, August 23, 1862
off gard to day
draw a pair of pants orded off Some whare to day went dind not go no a nother recruit
Sunday 24
weekly in spection line form and inspection by lieut Badger heavy shower this afternoon went and had my legrappe [leg wrapped?]
Monday 25
went on gard on Canal St provost marchal [marshal] gard our company was detailed extra duty mail Came to day no letters for me
Tuesday, August 26, 1862
off gard to day at 8 went and roll ball to day $400 went all Over the City
Wednesday 27
went out on inspection & by the Capt then got a pass to go out went to the alley Roll 3 strings – 184
dres prade 6 ½
Thursday 28
In spection at 8 was detailed to go on provost gard went on Canal St. to 184 Canal nab Sack to stay till further orders
Friday, August 29, 1862
at the drugs Store found a Sord [sword] Several guns nothing haping went to quarters diner
Saturday 30
at the drug Store went to the Camp to get our meals Several officers Came here washed
wrote a letter to eliza
Sunday 31
At the Store Canal St. nothing new to day Stormey to day
Monday, September 1, 1862
at the Store Canal St. sined [signed] the pay roll today Stormey to day
Tuesday 2
at the Store Canal St. nothing to day
Wednesday 3
At Dr. Symes drug Store Canal St
nothing new to day only damed hot
Thursday, September 4, 1862
to [two] letters to day
nothing new to day at the Store rote a letter to Hersina
Friday 5
At the Store Canal St nothing new rote a letter to weltha
Saturday 6
At the store Canal St. & nothing new to day worth notice net [met] Moses Wheeler
Sunday, September 7, 1862 [writing gets much larger, less controlled]
At the Store Canal St nothing new
Monday 8
Mail Came here to day 2 letters for me one from home and one from Georg Q+ [S?]
Tuesday 8
at the Sonch [store] ongard went to see the Esec gun boat
[note at top of page] July 31 Whare shall I be today
Wednesday, September 10, 1862
at James Symes drug store on gard nothing new to day
Thursday 11
on gard to day Canal St. 184
Friday 12
on gard to day Symes Canal St
Saturday, September 13, 1862
on gard to Symes Store
Sunday 14
on gard Symes
got a pass went to Algeries got some oranges
Monday 15
On gard Mail came to day a paper from John Fletcher Jr
Tuesday, September 16, 1862
On gard
Wednesday 17
on gard
Thursday 18
on gard
Friday, septbemr 19, 1862
On gard
plenty Honey to Eate
Saturday 20 – Friday, October 31, 1862 [no entries]
X Sept 10 Whare to day
Saturday, November 1 – Monday, December 29, 1862 no entries
Tuesday, December 30, 1862 [note written much later than printed date]
Reuben Hayward
died 1906
his wife died 1894
Wednesday, December 31, 1862 [no entry]
[next pages list miscellaneous financial accounting and letters sent and recieved]