The following are some extracts taken from the diary of Comrade
Chas. W. Parker of West Acton, Mass., Sergeant of Co. I. 16th
Regiment, Conn. Infantry, and who was confined in Andersonville
Prison from May 3rd, 1864 to Sept. 10th, 1864, at Charleston from
Sept. 13th to Sept. 30th, 1864, and at Florence from October 1,
1864 to March 1st, 1865. Was taken prisoner at Plymouth N.C. on
April 20, 1864. This diary was written on scraps of paper, any
material he could get and afterwards copied by himself into present
April 21, 1864
Were searched in the fore-noon and had twenty hardtacks and
two pounds pork issued to us for four days rations. Marched in
the afternoon about fifteen miles, guarded by the 35 N.C. Va.
Brigade in the front and rear of me and a battery found the number
about twelve thousand and we only two.
April 24
Showery in afternoon and eve, started at ten o'clock. Guarded
by the Holcomb Legion. Were searched during the day for Buffaloes.
they found six at seven, probably they were shot. (Buffaloes is
a name given to North Carolinians who enlisted for the North,)
Stopped about dark and laid down in the rain without supper as
our rations had run out.
Apr. 25
Tarboro - Drew some meal and a little bacon. Remained the
rest of the day.
Apr. 26
Warm and pleasant - officers some of the Mass. and N.Y. boys
went off on the cars. Drew one pint meal three ounces meat for
rations - gave fifty cents for little piece of cake.
April 27
Still at Tarboro - good deal of trading going on between our
boys and the rebs all for something to eat. Wrote home