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The following resolutions of sympathy were extended to Post Commander Hall and family by this Post Whereas by the inscrutable wisdom of God, Post Commander D. H. Hall and his family have been called to pass into the deep waters domestic affliction and Whereas, we the members of Isaac Davis Post No. 138 G.A.R. would gladly assuage, if possible, the keenness of his sorrow and dull the sharpness of the knife that has thus sundered the tenderest ties of earth and Whereas we are sensible that no words of ours can adequately express our feelings of sympathy and sorrow therefore Resolved that we hastily and most earnestly command him and his dear family to Him who knoweth all about the sorrows of earth and is able and ever ready and willing to sustain all the sorrowing and heart stricken. Resolved - That we will ask that the Divine Hand will uphold and the Divine counsel may lead our Comrade and his family into the green pastures and consolations of his love. Resolved that we tended to Comrade Hall and his family our united and profound sympathy. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Comrade Hall and also spread in our records. Signed Isaiah Hutchins Resolutions passed at a regular meeting of Isaac Davis Post 138 G.A.R. March 14, 1894 Whereas: The Great Commander in His infinite wisdom has *een pleased to muster from our ranks our beloved comrade and friend William S. Handley and Whereas. His genial character as a man and his record as a soldier are unsurpassed. One of the first to answer his country's call enlisting in the 6th Reg't M. V. M. (The Regiment that took the historic march through Baltimore Md., and the first to arrive at the National Capitol. On his Return enlisting in the 26th Reg't for three years and re-enlisting (while still in the field) until the end of the war, therefore be it Resolved: That by his death Isaac Davis Post No. 138 G.A.R. loses a comrade earnest and true. Resolved: That as one by one we answer God's bugle call the ties of soldierly Brotherhood are more closely cemented. Resolved - That it is but a short march as time rolls on before we all shall hear the Great Commander's summons that call us to cross the river and muster on the other shore. Next page |