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Acton Memorial Library |
Death Marks Passing of Maynard’s G.A.R. Member
James Carney, Civil war veteran, last surviving member of the G.A.R. residing in Maynard, died at his home on Lincoln street, Monday afternoon, shortly after 2 o’clock, at the age of eighty-three years. He was born at Nentwatch, England, on March 4, 1842. For several years he has not enjoyed good health and of recent months it was noted that he was in a gradual decline. Mr. Carney came to this country in 1848, and settled in Lowell. At the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted form that city and served with distinction all through the war. He was wounded in action several times and was left for dead on the field of battle in one action. The old veteran carried fragments of bullets in his body for several years after he was mustered out of service. Devotion to the flag and country was as natural to him as food and drink of sustenance. Comrade Carney was an enthusiastic member of the G.A.R. He was a member of Henry Wilson Post, G.A.R., that was organized in Maynard in the early days of the town. Later he affiliated with Isaac Davis Post, G.A.R., and served as an officer of the Post for years and until he died treasured his G.A.R. membership. For nearly half a century he was familiar to the schoolchildren of the town, as he and his comrades did honor to their dead comrades on Memorial day. He is the last of the “Old Boys in Blue” who did so much to inspire patriotism. The old blue uniform and the G.A.R. campaign hat were symbols of living patriotism, because the hearts under the uniforms beat for country alone and the bodies had been offered on the altars of the nation of sacrifice if need be. His death marks a milestone. The hour arrived when the flag and the duty to carry on was passed from the hands of the old veterans of the G.A.R. to the younger veterans of the World war. Full military honors were paid to Comrade Carney, with Isaac Davis Post, G.A.R., in charge, assisted by Frank J. Demars Post, American Legion. Members of Isaac Davis Post held the usual G.A.R. service at the home prior to solemn high mass of requiem, which was celebrated at St. Bridget’s church at 9 o’clock, Wednesday morning; Rev. Edward F. Crowley, pastor, celebrant; Rev. Charles Donahue, deacon, and Rev. Edwin Walsh, subdeacon. The church was filled with old friends, neighbors, veterans and members of the local patriotic societies. Daniel Connors, Thomas Lawlor, Vincent Sweeney, William Brindley, Arthur Turnbull and William Sweeney served as bearers, and the Legion firing squad fired three volleys over the grave at St. Bridget’s cemetery while the colors were dipped and the taps sounded. Mr. Carney is survived by two sons, Alberty, of Franklin, and William, of Maynard, and three daughters, Mrs. Katherine Harrington and Mrs. Mary McCarron, of Maynard, and Mrs. George Haggerty, of Concord Junction. As long as the St. Bridget’s Temperence society was in existence, Mr. Carney was a member of it. The beautiful floral tributes showed the love and esteem of the community for the deceased.