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Acton Memorial Library |
Civil War Records of George Flood
Geo. Flood died at his home on Harriman ct. last Monday Oct. 23 at 8.30 a.m. after a long illness aged 55 years. His health became poor several years ago and the best medical skill, change of climate and the best of care, all failed to stay the progress of that dreaded disease, consumption.
Mr. Flood was born in Framingham, Dec. 4, 1843 where he lived until 1852, when his parents moved to Stow and in 1858 came to Maynard where he resided until the time of his death, with the exception of two years in Fitchburg two years in Waltham and the four years which he served in the army during the civil war.
His army experience was an unusually eventful one. He enlisted in the 26th Mass. Regt. and took part in the battles of Fisher Hill and Cedar Creek under Gen. Sheridan and saw that grand general when he took command after his famous ride.
A month after the victory of Cedar Creek, Mr. Flood was taken prisoner by Moseby’s guerrillas and taken to Richmond where he was confined in Libby prison four months spending his 21st birthday behind the bars there. When exchanged he was so reduced by starvation that he weighed but 71 pounds. He enlisted when but a little more than 17 years of age and re-enlisted serving till the end of the war.
He was a carpenter and mill-wright by trade but gave up that business and went into the livery, wood and coal business which he carried on until about 4 years ago when he sold out on account of failing health. He has always been patriotic, public-spirited and interested in national and town politics. He served the town in various positions for nearly 25 years, including constable, overseer of the poor, assessor and was selectman for eight years, being chairman of the board for part of the time. Under President Harrison he was post master for two years.
He was an active member of several of the fraternal orders and at the time of his death was a member of Chas. A. Welsh lodge, A.F. and A.M. of Maynard, Waldron Chapter, R.A.M. of Concord, Trinity Commandery K.T. of Hudson, Maynard lodge, I.O.O.F., Washola Tribe R.M., and Isaac Davis Post, G.A.R. of Acton.
In 1868 he married Miss Mary McPhail. Three children blessed the union, two sons and a daughter. Of the family of five only two remain, the mother and daughter, Effie Irene.
The last months of sickness were exceedingly painful, but those nearest and dearest to the invalid say that he never uttered a word of repining but was always hopeful.
As a citizen he was loyal to the town, of generous disposition and cordial in his manner. Although the infirmity of his last days removed him from the active duties of life, he was a citizen who will be long and favorably remembered by the people of the town.
The funeral took place this Wednesday afternoon at 2.15. Services were held at the Congregational church and were in charge of Chas. A. Welsh lodge F. and A.M. Rev. Chas. H. Washburn officiated. A delegation of Knight Templars from Trinity Commandery of Hudson attended in a body, coming on the 2.06 train. After reading of Scripture and remarks by the pastor, the commandery performed their service. I.O. O. F. of Maynard, Isaac Davis post, G.A.R., Washola Tribe of Red Men attended in delegations.
Floral gifts were plentiful from family, friends and fraternal organizations. Appropriate musical selections were rendered by a quartet, Amory Maynard director and H.T. French at the organ.
Another Veteran of the War of the Rebellion and one of Maynard’s Best citizens Passed Away
George Flood one of Maynard’s oldest and best known citizens passed away at 8.30 a.m. last Monday, after a lingering illness. Deceased was a native of Massachusetts, being born in Framingham, December 4, 1843. At the age of 15, he with his parents, came to Maynard and the last 41 years of his life have been passed in this town, excepting four years, which were passed in the war of the rebellion. He enlisted at an early age and served with honor and distinction throughout the war. He was a member of the old 26th Mass., under General Sheridan, and was in several engagements, notable Fisher Hill and Cedar Creek. After the last named battle he was taken prisoner, and conveyed to the famous Libby prison. By trade he was a wheelwright. Fr many years he kept a livery stable at the upped end of the town. He was also engaged in the wood and coal business, until about five years ago, when he sold out to Wm. Litchfield. He has held nearly every office in the gift of the town, including constable, overseer of the poor,, assessor, and selectman, holding the latter office eight years. He was also postmaster two years during Harrison’ administration. For several years he has been a victim of that dreadful scourge, consumption. Everything that could possibly be done to ally his sufferings caused by this fatal disease has been attended to, but to no avail. Medical skill changes of climate and careful nursing had no effect. Deceased had but recently returned from a trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he went in hopes of deriving benefit from the change. He was married in 1868, to Miss Mary McPhail. Three children have been born to them, but only one survives, Mrs. Effie Flood-Morton. Deceased was a member of Charles A. Welch lodge F.A.M. of Maynard, Waldron Chapter, R.A.M. of Concord, Trinity Commandary, K.T., of Hudson, Maynard Lodge I.O.O.F., Nashoba tribe, of Red Men, and Isaac Davis post G.A.R.
The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30. Charles A. Welch lodge F.A.M., and a delgation of the G.A.R., marched to the late home of the deceased, meeting a delegation form Trinity commandry on the way. These three organizations escorted the remains to the Congregational church, where services were conducted by Rev. Charles H. Washburn. The church quartette, Mr. And Mrs. Amory Maynard, Miss Nellie Veitch and James Mallinson, rendered “Come unto Me,” “Nearer My God to Thee,” and “Gently Lead Us.” After the conclusion of the service by the pastor, the funeral service of the Knight Templars was preformed. At the grave the Masonic burial service was read by Robert W. Carter, W.M. Interment was at Glenwood. The flowers were profuse, many elaborate pieces being contributed by friends. The bearers were, George Smethurst, James Higgins, Rovert Crossley, Edward B. Hooper, James Fletcher and Sylvester Perry. Several of the business places in town were closed during the hours of the funeral.