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Acton Memorial Library |
Civil War Records of Chauncey Upham Fuller
Saxonville Man Employed Here Suddenly Passed Away While at Work
Chancey Fuller of Saxonville, who had been assisting with work on the farm of his nephew, Fred S. Whitcomb, dropped dead Thursday afternoon just as he had driven the cows out to water in the field. The death was a terrible shock to all who knew him as he was apparently in the best of health previous to his sudden death. As he was seen to fall several men rushed to the scene thinking he was merely in a faint, but it was soon apparent that he was past all earthly aid. He was carried to the house and Dr. Hall Staples summoned, but could be of no assistance as death was undoubtedly instantaneous. Medical Examiner H.J. Walcott viewed the remains.
Mr. Fuller was well known in this town and came here to assist Mr. Whitcomb, while the latter was laid up with a broken leg. His death is a source of great regret to the many friends of Mr. Fuller as he was a man of excellent characteristics. The funeral was held Sunday at 1 o’clock. He is survived by a wife, two brothers and four sisters.