Civil War Records of Samuel A. Guilford
Obituary (and Card of Thanks)
for Samuel A. Guilford
Concord Enterprise, May 18, 1921
Past Commander of Grand Army Post Passed Away
Samuel A. Guilford passed away at the Concord hospital May 11. Mr. Guilford had lived in this town over 60 years, and for many years carried on the blacksmith shop. He did a large business and was successful in his line of work. He was a Civil war veteran and past commander of Isaac Davis Post 138, GAR.
Mr. Guilford was a patriotic citizen of Acton, and well known as a Republican in politics. He was 79 years old and one of the pioneers of this town. He was always interested in the affairs of the town of Acton and had served on the board of registrars for a long term of years.
Funeral services were held at his late home Saturday afternoon at 1.30. Rev. Ralph A. Barker of South Acton officiated. Comrades of Isaac Davis post GAR were present in a body and gave their burial service at the home. O.D. Wood of Acton Centre sounded taps at the grave. Mr. Guilford is survived by a wife, three daughters, and one son and one sister. |
Boston Globe, May 15, 1921 |