Civil War Records of Amasa E. Lincoln
Obituary for Amasa E. Lincoln
The Kingston Sun, September 20, 1928

Services for Amasa E. Lincoln Were Conducted At His Home Sunday
Of striking interest was the funeral services for Amasa A. Lincoln Sunday afternoon due to the fact they were held in the very room where for years he had had his one-man post meetings and thus kept alive the charter of Martha E. Sever Post, G.A.R., of which he was the last surviving member.
In this room were the post standard, swords and in fact all the property of the post, including his desk which he has so long used as the post adjutant.
Rev. S. Gordon Tucker was the officiating clergyman and there were present good sized delegations from the Plymouth G.A.R., Woman’s Relief Corps and Sons of Veterans. The Sons of Veterans conducted the services at the grave in Elmwood cemetery and acted as bearers.
Mr. Lincoln died at the Soldiers’ Home, Chelsea, Thursday, having been there for a number of weeks to recover from an operation previously performed in a Boston hospital. He was in his 82nd year, a native of Raynham but had lived in Kingston for many years. He was a Mason of Knights Templar rank with his membership in Brockton bodies.
He was a pleasant, companionable sort of a man and was well esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a daughter living in Danvers. As showing the high esteem in which he had been held in life there were many handsome floral tributes at his funeral.
As he was the sole surviving member of Martha E. Sever post, G.A.R., that post has now lapsed and its charter will be surrendered to the state encampment as had been done in the case of a number of posts.