The Inhabitants of Concord Village or New Grant and the Propitors Did Petition the Town of Concord to be set of[f] a Separate Town and accordingly thay at a General Town meeting of the notable Inhabitants of Concord on Monday the fourth Day of march 1733/4 Mr. Samell Chandler was moderator of ye meeting thay in answer to the above Named Petition Did set off the vilage or Towns New Grant a Saperat Town Together with major Willard’s Farms and the Inhabitants and Propritors Did Petition The Grate and General Court for a Sanction and and the Grate and General Court Did Set off The vilage together with the Farms caled Willard’s Farmes a separate Town by the name of Acton and ordered the Town to be Assembled In order to Chuse Town officers
In the words following
In the House of Representatives June ye 27:1735 ordered that John Heald one of the Principle Inhabitants of the town of Acton in the County of Middlesex be and hearby is fully authorized and Impowered to assemble the freeholders and other qualified voters in Sd Town as soon as may be in some Convenant Place in in said Town to make Choice of Town officers to sdtand till the anniversary meeting in march Next.
Read and Concorrd |
T Mason Deputy Secry |
July ye ld 1735 Consented to |
July ye the 21/1735
By virtue of this order above ritten the Sd John Heald Did asemble the inhabitants of the Town of Acton on the twenty first Day of July 1735 and then Proposed as followeth Leut John Heald was Chosen modrator of the meeting Thomas Wheeler was Chosen Town Clerk and was sworn befor Colonel Flient Elger Leut John Heald and Joseph Fletcher and Thomas Wheeler was Chosen Selectmen and asesers and was sworn before Colonel Flint Elger.