Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 004

1735 December 24 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for December 29 Town meeting (continued from previous page)
1735 December 29 Town meeting (continued on next page)

1 To se if the town will Reconsider thare vote that they will set thare meetinghouse in the Centre and agree to set it on a knowl [knoll] with a grate many Pines on it lying SouthEstwardly aboute twenty or thirty Rods of a black oak tree whare the fier was made the Last meeting or to se if the Town will agree to set thare meetinghosue on a knowl to the North of the oak tree whare they last met or to se if the town will Chuse two or three men to say which of the plases is most convenient or to se if the commity think that knowl whare on stands a Dead pine between the two afore knowls or to say which of three plases are most convenant
2 To se if the town will agree to begin to build thare meetinghouse this year or make any Preparation tharefor against the year insuing or do any thing Relating thare to
3 To se if the town will except of an ofer that Mr Zecariah Emery of Chelmsford designs to make to the town of Acton and not have his Lands taxt that lieth in the Town of Acton and the warrant was commited to the two Constables viz Jonathan Wheeler and Amos Prescut and the Inhabitants did met on the day above Said

Acton December ye 29th 1735
Att a General Town meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Acton leagally worned Leut John Heald was Chosen
1 Moderator of the meeting on the first article propounded whether the town will reconsider thare vote that thay will set thare meetinghouse in the Centre voted on the afarm ative Propounded wither thay will Set thare meetinghouse on the knowl first mentioned in the Warrant and whare the Pine tree was marked in Second Division Land of Docter Cuming voted on the afarmitive
2 On the second article Propounded whither the town will begin to build a meetinghouse this year voted on the afarmative. Propounded what dementions thay would build it voted they would build it forty six feet Long and thirty and eight wide and twenty feet in hight
3 On the third article propounded wither the town of Acton will free Mr Zecariah Emery of all rates and for the space of six years from date of this meeting   

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