Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 007

1735/6 February 5 Laying out of road ways
1735/6 February 3 Laying out of road ways (continued on next page)

A way Laied out by the Selectmen of ye town of Acton on February ye 5th 1735/6 Beginning at the Northerdly End of the Road Laied out by the Selectmen of Concord near Simon Hunt’s New house Running North Easterdly to a black oak near Jacob Woods house then Running Northerdly to a black oak in Sd Woods Land then to a black oak then to a white oak then to a black oak and throgh William Cullings Land so through Second division Land of Mr Whittmans to a black oak so to a white oak mark so to an Ealme tree mark then turning Estwardly to a Pine tree marked then to a maple tree in ye brook that Cumeth out of ye swamp south of heathing meadow then to a Pine Tree being the Northerly Corner of the farme Called Majr [Major] Willards Farme: then to a worlnot tree marked then to a black oak tree by John Cragons Land to a black oak so to a white oak by the Cragons Corner then Bunding [bounding] on Sd Cragons Line then Runing Estwardly to the meeting house ye| marks are on the North Side of ye way ye Selectmen that laied this way was
  Joseph Fletcher
  John Heald
  Thomas Wheeler

Acton February ye 3th 1735/6
Then Laied out by ye Selectmen of Sd town a way hear after Described by marks and bounds viz Beginning at a Stake near Stow Road then on to a black oak marked then to a heap of stones Estwardly of Mr Joseph Fletchers house then to a Pine tree marked in Sd Fletcher’s Land so to an other Pine tree marked then as ye wall standeth to the brook so over the bridge so onward to a Rock then turning NorthEst then to Samell Davis’s fence and so on toward Sd Davis’s House as ye way is now used then on ye Sd occupied way to oak tree by John Davis’s house then Estwardly to a Pine marked then turning Northward through Second Divition [division] Land then through Land of the Laws to ye old way that leads to Concord then leaving the Sd old way and turning Northwardly whare Sd way is now occupied to a Pine tree marked Near ye Bridge so over ye Bridge and onward by Daniell Shepards house ye wall to be ye bounds of ye way and so along the oald way then Leaving the ye old way that goeth to Mr Barkers on the Left hand Near a [illegible] Puddle Place then to a black oak marked then to a white oak marked then to a white oak then turning NorthEst to a White Oak marked then to a white oak marked then North to a Poplar marked in an hundred acre Lot Drawed by Samell Blood then to a black oak marked and so on as the trees are marked to the meetinghouse Place so on from ye meetinghouse Place to a black oak marked then to a white oak marked then to a white oak marked whare Strawberry hill way meets Sd way after then to a black oak marked then to a white oak marked in an hundred acre Lot Drawed by ye heirs of Major Prescutt Decest [Deceased] then to a black oak marked in Sd Lott then to a Pine tree marked in an hundred acre L[ot] Drawed by Georg Robbens then to a Poplar then to a Read oak tree marked in a Part of ye hundred acre Lot of Major Prescutt Heirs afore Said so to a grate white oak tree marked to a Ealme tree marked in Sd Lott to a Read oak then across Neagog Brook to a black oak marked In an hundred acre Lott Drawed by Capt William Willson of Concord to a pine tree marked then across Littleton Road and so by marks through Second Divition and Common Land as is marked untill it Cometh to Thomas Wheeler’s house then between Sd Wheelers house and Barn and so on the way as Now occupried untill untill it Cumeth over ye bridge then to a black oak tree then to a white oak then to a black oak marked then then to a white oak tree marked then to a white oak

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