Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 011

1736 September 15 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for October 1 Town meeting
1736 October 1 Town meeting
1736 November 1 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for November 5 Town meeting
1735 November 5 Town meeting
1736 December 30 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for January 5 Town meeting (continued on next page)

Acton September ye 15th 1736
Then ye Selectmen of Sd Town met and agreed on a town meeting and Sd meeting to be on ye first of October 1736 and on ye articles following viz

1 To Se what the Town will Do with Respect to frameing and and Raising ye meetinghouse and what way they will agree to do it in
2 To Se if ye town will agree to Chuse a Commity to manage ye afare of frameing and Raising ye house above and allso to agree with a Carpenter to frame Sd meetinghouse
3 To Se if Town will agree upon a Place or Places for a Buriing Place
4 To se if ye town will agree to have Preaching in Sd Town this winter season
  And ye warrants was Directed to ye Constables and ye Inhabatants did asemble on ye Day above Sd and Lt John Heald was chosen modderator of Sd meeting it was Propounded whether the town will frame and Raise thare meetinghouse before winter Voted on the afirmative
2 On ye second articule voted thay will Chuse a Commity to frame and Raise ye meetinghouse voted that Lt John Heald Thomas Wheeler and Simon Hunt be a Commity impowered to Regulate and Inspect and order ye frameing and Raising ye meetinghouse In Acton and Likewise to agree with a Carpenter or Carpentors to frame Sd house
3 On ye third article voted ye Selectmen should find and Pitch on a Place for a buring [burying] place
4 On ye fourth article voted thay would Dismis it then ye meeting was Dismised

Acton Novbr ye 1th 1736
Then ye Selectmen of Sd town met and agreed on a town meeting to be on ye fist Day of ye month and on ye articules following VIZ
1 To Se in what way ye Town will agree to Raise thare meetinghouse and in what way thay will make Provition for ye People
2 To se if ye Town will chuse a commity to Receive ye accounts of ye former Commity that was Chosen to get ye timber and what ye Town will alow a day for work at frameing ye meetinghouse
and ye warrants was committed to ye Constables and ye Inhabatants of of Sd Acton met and Chose John Davis moderator of Sd meeting on ye frost [first] article to se in what way that will agree to Raise the metinghouse voted thay would Dismis Sd articule on ye second aritcule Propounded whether thay will Chuse a commity to Receive the accounts voted thay would voted that Mr Samell Prescutt Mark White and John Brooks be a commity for that afore then ye meeting was Dismised

Acton December ye 30th 1736
Then ye Selectmen met and agreed on a town meeting to be on ye first wednesday of January Nex ensuing and on ye articules following viz To Se if ye Town will agree to finish thare meetinghouse and allso how Long thay will be a Doing ye work

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