1739 26
Acton may the 16th 1739 then the Select men
met and Appinted a town meeting to be on ye 23 of may
Current at the meeting Hous in said Acton at one of
ye Clock in the after noon to Consider on ye articles after
mentioned viz
1 |
first to se if ye town will Chuse a Deputy
2 |
to se what money ye town will Raise to Defray Nesessary
Charges this Present year
3 |
to hear ye Report of ye Commett that was Choosen to
Lay out ye Pew Ground and allso to Proseed in any other
thing Relating to that affare that may be thought Proper
when met
4 |
to se if ye town will finnesh their meeting house or any
Parte thereof Besides ye Pews
5 |
to se if ye town will Chuse a Committ to make sarth [search] into
the aintiant [ancient] Bounds between Concord and Acton or do any
other things Relaiting to that affare
6 |
to se if ye town will Let ye Swin Run at Larg
and ye same was commeeted to ye Constables
Acton May ye 23, 1739
Att a Ginarail Town meeteing at ye meeing House in said
Acton Being Legally warned as Appeered by ye Returns of
the Constables warrants the meeting was opened Mr Gardner
Davis was Chosen moderator for said meeting & proseeded as
Follows first it was propounded what money the town
will raise this year to defray necessary Charges within ye same
voted they will rais twenty five pounds
3 |
To hear ye Report of ye Commett that was Chosen to Lay
out ye pew Ground in ye meeting House allso it was propounded
how they will dispose of them: thought proper to propound whether
they will Dispose of ye pews with Respect to Real Estate
as in ye Valuations only to Such Persons as Dwell within
the Limmets of said Acton Provided they shall Defently
Finish them within ye term of one year next insuing
and it was voted in ye affirmative Nathan Robbins [entered his dissent?]
allso Chose a Committ namely Mr Gershon Davis Ammi
Faulkner & Simon Hunt to make Return of ye ^next town meeting who
Shall Draw them According to vote
4 |
Propounded whether ye town will Do any more toward ^finishing ye meet
ing House at present voted in ye negative |
5 |
Propounded Whether ye town will Chuse a Committ to make
Sarch into ye antiant Records of ye Bounds Between
Concord and said Acton voted in ye affarmative & made
of ye Selectmen as a Commett
6 |
to se if ye town will let ye Swine Run at Large voted in ye
affarmative & the meeting was dismist