File/page number: 037
1741/2 March 1 | Town accounts |
1742/3 May 21 | Town accounts |
1742/3 February 15 | Town accounts |
1742/3 February 16 | Town accounts |
1742/3 February 22 | Town accounts |
1742/3 March 3 | Town accounts |
1742/3 March 7 | Town accounts |
March the first 1741/2 to an order to Ammi Falkner for two pounds Due to him for time & money Expended in ye towns busness in ye year 1740 it being in full | 2-0-0 |
Then to an order to John Brooks for four pounds teen shillings in full Due to him for time & money Expended in the servis of the town in ye year 1741 | 4-10-0 |
Then to an order to myself for five pounds for time& money & Expended in service as select man & assesser in the year 1741 in full | 5-0-0 |
Then to an order to Andrew Derby for four pounds seven shilling for time & money Expended in ye towns servis in ye year 1741 in full | 4-7-0 |
Then to an order to Capn Garshorn Davis for two pounds for money & time Expended in ye year 1740 | 2-0-0 |
May ye 21st:1742 to an order to David Procter for two pounds Eight Shillings & ten pence Abated on his Raits | 2-8-10 |
Feabuary ye 15th 1742/3 to an order to Andrew Derby for time and money Expended in ye year 1742 | 2-10-0 |
Feabrary ye 15 1742/3 to order to John Brooks for time Expended in the year 1742 | 2-10-0 |
Feabuary ye 15th: 1742/3 to an order to Simon Hunt for money & time Expended in ye year 1742 | 2-10-0 |
Feabuary ye 16th 1742/3 to an order to Hezekiah Wheeler for two pounds & Eight shillings & ten pence | 2-8-10 |
Fear y ye 22 1742/3 to an order to Nathan Robbens for 2-19-3 for Jacob Huckers Rates allso 3-2-9 on Jonathan Rusels Rates allso 1-17-7 on Garshorn Wheelers | 7-19-7 |
March ye 3 1742/3 to an order to ye widow Sheperd for Nine pounds & six pence for Keeping her sister Elisabeth Sheperd in full to this day | 9-0-6 |
March ye 7 – 1742/3 to an order on ye account of Samuel Wheeler Junior his raites to William Connant | 2-18-8 |
March ye 7: 1742/3 to an order to Josiah Piper for Keeping ye meeting House | 2-9— |
March ye 7: 1742/3 to an order to William Connant fo for his carreing John Mallery out of town | 1-15-0 |