Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 065

1746/7 March 2
Town meeting (continued from previous page)
1746/7 March 2 Town accounts
1747 May 18
Town accounts
1747 June 2 Report of the fence viewers

and mr Jonathan Wheeler and mr Ezekiel Davis was Chosen Dear Reaves and mr John Barker was Chosen Sealer of weights and measures and mr Samuel Jones and mr Josiah Piper was Chosen fence viewers and mr Amos Prescott and mr David Forbush and mr Timothy Farrar was Chosen Hog Reaves

2 it was propounded whether the Town will Dismiss the second article voted on the affirmative
3 it was propounded whether the Town will accept of a way Laid out to accomodate Mr Jonas Allen and mr Cotten Procter voted on the affirmative
4 it was propounded whether the Town will accept of a way Laid out for Mr George Robbins to meeting voted on the affirmative
5 it was propounded whether the Town will Give mr Joseph Barns Liberty to Hang two Gates across the way that Comes by his House the Summer Ensuing voted on the affirmative
6 Mr Josiah Pipers request propounded whether the Town will Give said Piper Liberty to Hang three Gates across Mr Allens way voted on the affirmative
7 it was propounded whether the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this present year voted on the affirmative and then the meeting was dismist

March ye 2: 1746/7
To an order to Mr Timothy Brooks for Ten pounds old tenor for keeping School Two months in the winter past

May ye 18: 1747
To an order to Mr David Forbush for one pound four shillings and six pence old tenor it being abated on John Dudlys Rates

Acton June ye 2nd: 1747
Then we the subscribers Divided the fence Between mr John Cookson of Boston and mr Jonathan Wheeler of Acton Lying in virginia meadow Beginning at a heap of stones on a Ditch Bank By mr Samll Procters medow then runing 36 Rods and three quarters to a Stake and Stones it Being mr Cookson part then runing 36 Rods and three quarters to a white oak tree in a stone wall it being Mr Wheelers part
  Josiah Piper
    } fence viewers
  Samuel Jones f  

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