Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 070

1747 October 25 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for November 2 Town meeting
1747 November 2 Town meeting
1747/8 February 2 Town accounts
1748 March 1 Town accounts

October ye 25: 1747
Then the Selectmen met and appointed a town meeting to Be at the meeting House on monday the second day of November next at three of the Clock in the afternnon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To see How much money the town will Raise to Defray the Charges that have arisen Relating to the Line Between Concord and Acton
2 To see if the town will agree to Chuse a Committe to seat several persons that moved in to the town since the meeting House was seated and also what instructions the town will give said Committe Relating to that affair and the Same was Committed to the Constables

November ye 2: 1747
at a General town meeting at the meeting House in Said town it being Legally warned as appeared by the Returns of the Constables on their warrants Deacon John Brooks was Chosen moderator for Said meeting and proceeded as follows
1 one the first article it was propounded to see whether the town will Raise thirty five pounds old tenor to Defray the Charges that have arisen Relating to the Line between Concord and Acton and it passed in the Negative
2 it was propounded whether the town will Chuse a Committe to seat several persons that have moved in to town since the meeting House was seated and it passed in the Negative and then the meeting was dismist

February ye 2nd: 1747/8
To an order to Daniel Shepard for thirteen pounds and ten shillings old tenor for keeping the widow Shepard from the 10 of march 1747 until this day the whole of his demands

March ye 1: 1748
To an order to Mr Phinehas Osgood for ten pounds old tenor for his services in keeping School in the middle of the town the whole of his demands

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