Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 082

1748/9 February 4
Laying out of road way
1748/9 January 30
Laying out of road way
1748/9 February 13 Laying out of road way

Acton February ye 4: 1748/9 Then Laid out a High way Beginning at the Corner Between mr Simon Davis and mr Joseph Barns’s Land on the southerly side of the former road So on as the wall now turns till it comes to the End of it and then to a white oak tree marked and then streight to the bit of wall at the former Road by mr Cleavelands the wall and oke is on the southerly side of Said way and Said way is two rods wide the Select men that Laid out this way was
  Jonathan Hosmer
  Phinehas Osgood

Acton January ye 30: 1748/9
Then Laid out a High way to accommodate Captain Hapgoods place Beginning at Said Hapgoods Line to a Small Black oke and then to a white oke and then to a white oke and then to a pitch pine then to a heap of Stones on a Rock then to a Small black oke then to a Black in mr Tarrs pasture and then to a heap of Stones Between the Brook and the house and then to a white oke in mr Joseph Farrs fence and then as the Lane now goes till it comes to the former Road Said way is two rods wide and the marks are on the westerly side of Said way the Select men that Laid out this way was
  Jonathan Hosmer
  Phinehas Osgood

Acton February ye 13: 1748/9
Then Laid out a High way Beginning at the Road that Leads from the westerly End of Said town to a grey oke then to a black oke then to a white oke then to a white oke and then streight to the Corner of mr Barkers pasture wall Said marks are on the Northerly Side of Said way and then as the wall now stands Leveing mr Joseph Barkers house on the right hand till it comes the corner of mr Barkers wall on the South Side of the way


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