February ye 10: 1749/50
Then the Select men met and appointed a town
meeting to be at the meeting on Monday the 5 Day of
march at ten of the Clock in the fore noon to Conclude
on the following articles (viz)
1 |
To choose Town officers for the year Ensueing
2 |
To See if the Town will accept of a way Laid out by
the Select men from Chelsford Road to mr Oliver Wheelers
according to the Return of Said way
3 |
To See if the Town will accept of a way Laid out by
the Select men to accomodate mr John Barker from
his Land Through land Belonging to Ens Mark White and
John Darby Late of Acton to the road that Leads from mr
Fletchers to the meeting House according to the Return of
Said way
4 |
To See if the Town will accept the way that was
was Laid out Last year by the forge as a Bridle way
Through John Barker Juns Land according to the mark
then made and also an open way through mr Nathan Robbins
Land till it comes to the Road that Leads from Daniel
Shephards to the meeting House as it was metioned in the
Return of Said way: according to the desire of Several
persons for Said way
5 |
To See if the town will discontinue a bit of way
that leads from Daniel Shephards Beginning at a place
Commonly called Rocky Guzzle to a pitch pine upon the
High Land towards the meeting House and also to See if
the town will accept of a bit of way Laid out from Said
Rocky Guzzle to the pitch pine a fore Said according to
the marks mentioned in the return of Said way
6 |
To See if the Town will accept of a High way Laid out to
accomodate mr phinehas Osgood Beginning at a heap of stones
a Corner mark Between the Rev mr Swifts and mr Osgoods
Land and then to a pine marked and then to a heap of stones
and from Said heap of stones to the meeting House Said
way to be a two Rods way and then Same was Committed to
the Constables
January ye 11: 1750/51
To an order to mr John Davis Jun for one pound
four shillings Lawfull money for plank for the bridge
by mr Locks and for half a Days work in runing Lines
between Littleton and acton the whole
of his Demands |