Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 096

1751 May 13
Selectmen's meeting: warrant for May 21 Town meeting
1751 May 21 Town meeting

May ye 13: 1751
Then the Select men met and appointed a town meeting to be at the meeting House on Tuesday the 21 Day of this instant may at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To See if the Town will Choose a Representative
2 To See How much money the [town] will add to the Rev mr Swifts Salary this present year or to Choose a Committee to agree with mr Swift Concerning the Contracts with him
3 To See How much money the Town will Raise to Defrey the Necessary Charges that Shall arise within the Same this present year
4 To See if the town will agree to have a Reading and a writing School this present year and also to See what method the Town would have the Select men manage said School
5 To See How many Days the Town will agree that Every man Shall work at the High ways this present year
6 To See if the Town will agree to abate mr John Gills Rates or any part thereof that he was assest the year past and the Same was Committed to the Constables

May ye 21: 1751
At a General Town meeting at the meeting House it Being Legally warned as appeared by the Returns of the Constables on there warrants on the first article it was
1 propounded whether the Town will Choose a Representative voted on the Negative and then Deacon John Brooks was Chosen moderator for Said meeting
2 propounded whether the Town will Choose a Committee to Compute mr Swifts Salary voted on the affirmative propounded whether the Town will Choose five for Said Committee voted on the affirmative and made choice of Deacon John Heald and Deacon John Brooks and Jonathan Hosmer and Capt Samuel Davies and mr John Davis Jun for a Committee
3 propounded Whether the Town will Raise Ten pounds Lawfull money to defrey the Necessary Charges that shall arise within the Same this present year voted on the affirmative
4 propounded Whether the Town will agree to have a Reading and a Writing School this present year voted on the affirmative propounded whether the Town Shall be divided into Six parts voted in the affirmative

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