Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 100

1752 February 14
Selectmen's meeting
1752 March 2 Town meeting

February ye 14: 1752
Then the Select men met and appoint a Town meeting to be at the meeting House on the first Monday of March at one of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To choose Town officers for the year ensuing
2 To See if the Town will accept of a High way Laid out by the Select men to accommodate mr John Barker to the meeting House according to the Return of Said way at the meeting
3 To See what the town will do Relaiting to the Widow Sarah Brabrook whether the town will agree to make application to the General Sessions of the peace on behalf of Said widow in case her Children Neglect or Refuse to Support Said widow or pass any other vote that may be thought proper when met
4 To See if the Town will agree to Choose a Committee to adjust accounts with the Town Treasurer and Likewise to See what the Town will allow Said Treasurer for his Service for the year Ensuing
5 To See if the Town will Let the Sheep Run at Large without a Shepherd this present year or any part of it
6 To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this present year and the Same was Committed to the Constable

March ye 2: 1752
at a General Town meeting at the meeting House it Being Legally warned and appeared by the Returns of the Constables for their warrants Deacon John Brooks was Chosen moderator for Said meeting and Jonathan Hosmer was Chosen Town Clerk and Select man and mr Josiah Piper was Chosen Constable for the Southwest part of the town and mr Ebenezer Davies was Chosen Constable for the North East part of the town and Deacon John Heald was Chosen the Second Select man and mr Daniel Fletcher was Chosen the third Select man and the Select men was Chosen assessors


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