Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 114

1753 October 9 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for October 15 Town meeting
1753 October 15
Town meeting
1754 February 9 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 4 Town meeting

  October ye 9: 1753
Then the Select men Appointed a Town meeting to be at the meeting House on monday ye fifteenth Day of this Instant october at two of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following Articles (viz)
1 To Choose a Constable in the Room of mr John Cragin who Refused to Serve as Constable
2 To See How much money the Town will Raise to Defrey the Charges that have arisen Relating to the High way Through John Barker Juns Land and the Same was Committed to the Constable

  October ye 15: 1753
At a General Town meeting at the meeting House it Being Legally warned as appeared by the Return of the Constable on his warrant Deacon John Heald was Chosen moderator for Said meeting and proceeded as follows on the first article mr Joseph Robbins was Chosen Constable for the Southwest part of Said town
2 article propounded whether the Town will Raise thirty pounds to Defrey the Charges that have arisen Relating to the High way Through John Barker Juns Land voted on the affirmative and then the meeting was Dismist

  February ye 9: 1754
Then the Select men Appointed a Town meeting to be at the meeting House on monday the Fourth Day of march Next at one of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles (viz)
1 To Choose Town officers for the year Ensuing
2 To See if the Town will accept of a Bridle way Laid out through mr Faulkners Land to accomodate mr John Adams according to the Return of Said way
3 To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this present year and the Same was Committed to the Constables
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