January ye 27 1756
Then the Select men met and ordered a Town meeting
To be on the first monday of march to Consider of
The following articles
1 |
to Chuse Town officers for the year Insuing year
2 |
To See if the town will turn mr David Brooks
Bridel way into an open way
3 |
To See if the Town will accept of a High way one
Rod and an half wide to accomidate Leiut Billing
from the end of the Lane near Said Billings Barn
Through the Land of mr Joseph Wooley till it comes
To Littleton Road the wall being the Bounds on
The Southeasterly Side of Said way
4 |
To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine
Run at Large this present year
March ye lst 1756
At a General Town meeting Legally warned as
appeared by the Returns of Said warants –
Deacon Heald was Chosen moderator for Said meeting
and proceeded as foloweth John Davis Jun was Chosen
Town Clerk and first Select man and mr Ephraim
Hosmer was Chosen Constable for the Southwest part of Said town
and mr Joseph Wooley was Chosen Constable for the North
East part of Said town but mr John Heald Jun was accepted
in His Room [place] – and mr Samuel Jones was Chosen the 2nd
Select man and Ensign Haward was Chosen the Third Select
man and ye Select men was Chosen assessors
and Leiut Billings was Chosen Town Treasurer
and Leiut Billings John Emery Sergent Wheeler Joseph Barker
Samuel White mr Daniel Brooks Simon Hunt was Chosen Surveyors of High ways and William Conant David Brooks was Chosen fence viewers –
Nathaniel Wheeler and Titus Law was Chosen Tything men
Samson Wheter and Cotton prokter was Chosen Hog reeves
2 |
To See if the town turn mr David Brooks his bridle way into
an open way voted in the affirmative
3 |
To See if the town will accept of a High way Laid out to
accomodite Leiut Billings voted in the affirmative
4 |
To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this
present year voted in the affirmative |