February ye 14: 1757
Then Wee the Subscribers Laid out a Convineant Way to accomidate
mr Timothy Brooks through Land of mr David Brook [illegible] and Nathan
Wheeler Beginning at a Stake and heap of Stones on the Southendly Side of the
brook in the Line between David & Timothy Brooks then to a White
oak tree marked near mr David Brooks House then to a maple tree
marked then to the Road that was Laid out for David Brooks the Road to
be two Rods wide and the marks are on the Southeastindly Side of the
Way and mr David Brooks freely gave the Way through his Land
Samuel Jones
Samuel Hayward |
} Select men
February the 14: 1757
then the Select men met and appointed a Town meeting to be at the
meeting House on monday the Seventh Day of march Next
at one of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on
the following articles (viz)
1 |
To Chuse Town officers for the year Ensuing
2 |
To See if the Town Will Discontinue part of the way that
Leads from Capt Daniel Fletchers to the meeting House (viz)
from an apple tree Near East End of Said Fletchers House
to the brook that Runs out of Deacon Brookies Pond and allow the same
for the benifit of the Said Capt Fletcher and his heirs forever and also
to See if the Town will accept of a bit of way Laid out by the Select
men to accomidate Capt Fletcher and others from the apple tree above Said
to the Brook above Said according to the Return of said way and also
to See if the Town will give Liberty for Capt Fletcher to hang
two gates accross the way if granted for the space of two years
3 |
To See if the Town will accept of a bit of way Laid out by the
Select men to accomodate mr Timothy Brooks through Land of mr
David Brooks according to the Return of Said way
4 |
To See if the Town will agree to seat the meeting House this
present year and Chuse a Commite to assign to the several
inhabitants their respective seats [illegible] those that have pews and
to give to the Commitee such orders to maniage the affairs as they
shall think fit when met
5 |
To See if the Town will accept of the men whose Names the Select
men have taken Down to serve on the pettit jury at the Inferiour Court as
they may be sent for from time to time
6 |
To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine Run at Large this
present year and the Same was Commited to the Constables
March ye 7: 1757
To an order to mr Samuel Jones for five shillings for providing the stocks |
at the Same time to another order to mr Samuel Jones for eleven
Shillings for time and money spent in the Towns service |