File/page number: 141
1758 February 20 |
Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 6 Town meeting (continued from previous page) |
1758 March 6 | Town meeting |
8 | To See if the Town will accept of the Report of the
Committe that was Chosen to Seat the meeting House
this present year or pass any other vote Relating to
that affair that they may think proper when met |
9 | To See if the Town will agree to Let the Swine
Run at Large this present year and the Same
Was Committed to the Constables |
march ye 6: 1758 at a General Town meeting at the meeting House it it Being Legyally warned as appeared by the Returns of the Constables on the warrants and Deacon Heald was Chosen moderator for Said meeting and proceeded as followeth Jonathan Hosmer was Chosen Town Clerk and Select man: and mr Ephraim Hapgood was Chosen Constable for the Southwest part of Said town and mr Nathaniel Edwards was Chosen Constable for the Northest part of the town and Capt Fletcher was Chosen the Second Select man and mr Joseph Wooley was Chosen the third Select man: and the Select men was Chosen Assessors and Lieut Billing was Chosen Town Treasurer and messrs Daniel Lock Timothy Brooks and Sampson Wheeler and Titus Law and Nathan Robbins Robert Chaffin and Micah Robbins was Chosen Surveyors of High ways: and mr David Brooks and mr Samuel Wright was Chosen Tything men and mr Nathan Wheeler and mr Samuel White was Chosen fence viewers and mr Mark White Jun was Chosen Sealer of weights and measures and like wise was Chosen Caller of Staves and Shingles and mr Eleazer Sartwell and mr Stephen Law was Chosen Hogreeves |
2 | it was propounded whether the Town will accept of
a Bit of way Laid out to accomodate Jonathan Hosmer
and Ephraim Hosmer Through Land of mr William
Cuttings and it passed in the affirmative |
3 | it was propounded whether the Town will accept of a Bridle way to accomodate mr Nathan Wheeler and mr James Faulkner according to the Return of Said way voted in the affirmative |