Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 155

1760 March 3

Town meeting (continued from previous page)

  and mr John Heald Jun was Chosen the Second Select man and mr Francis Faulkner was Chosen the third Select man and the Select men was Chosen Assessors and Lieut Billing was Chosen Town Treasurer and Messrs Joseph Wooley John Emery Daniel Brooks James Faulkner Ensign Hapgood William Conant and Stephen Law was Chosen Surveyors of High ways and mr Nathaniel Edwards and mr Nathan Robbins was Chosen Tything men and mr John Cragin Jun and mr Simon Hunt was Chosen fence viewers and mr Titus Law and mr Nathaniel Wheeler was Chosen Hogreeves and mr Mark White was Chosen Sealer of weights and measures and mr Samuel White was Chosen Culler of Shingles and Staves all which was Sworn into their Res pective offices as the Law Directs
2 on the Second article it was propounded whether the Town will accept of a Bridle way Laid out to accomodate Ensign Hapgood to meeting according to the Return of Said way voted on the affirmative
3 it was propounded whether the Town will give mr Daniel Lock and his wife a Seat in the meeting House according to their age and pay voted on the affirmative and then it was propounded whether the Select men Shall be a Committe for that purpose voted on the affirmative
4 it was propounded whether the Town will free mr Amos Lamson from working at the High ways for two years upon the account of his not having a High way and it passed in the Negative
5 it was propounded whether the fifth article Shall be Referred to may meeting voted on the affirmative
6 it was propounded whether the Swine Shall Run at Large in this present year voted on the affirmative and the meeting was Dismist

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