May ye 14: 1760 Then the Select men appointed a Town
meeting to be at the meeting House on thursday the twenty
Second of this instant may at two of the Clock in the
afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following
articles (viz)
1 |
To Se if the Town will Chuse a Representative
2 |
To Se How much money the Town will Raise to Defrey
the Necessary Charges that have or may arise this present
3 |
To See how much money the Town will Raise to Support
a Reading and a writing School this present year and
Likewise Se how many parts the Town Shall be Divided
into or pass any other vote that may be thought proper
when met Relating to Said School
4 |
To Se how much money the Town will Raise to procure
the Rev mr Swifts fire wood this present year
5 |
To Se if the Town will Chuse a Committe to go to
the Great and General Court on the Second friday of
the Sitting of Said Court to give Reasons why the Said
Great and General Court Should not Set off any part
of Said Acton or pass any other vote that may be
thought proper when met Relating to that affair
6 |
To Se what method the Town will take for the
Subsisting the french family Referd to this meeting
7 |
To Se what method the Town will take to Support
Lydia Russel and her Child and pass any other vote
Relating to Said Lydia and Child that may be
thought proper when met and the Same was Committed
to the Constables
may ye 22: 1760
at a General Town meeting at the meeting House it being
Legally warned as appeared by the Returns of the
Constables on their warrants on the first article
it was propounded whether the Town will Chuse a
Representative voted on the Negative and then
Deacon Brooks was Chosen moderator for Said
meeting and proceeded as follows on the Second