August ye 26: 1760
Then the Select men met and Appointed a
Town meeting to be at the Meeting House on
on Thursday ye 28 of this Instant august at
Nine of the Clock in the fore noon to Consider
and Conclude on the following article (viz)
To See if the Town will accept of those persons
whose Names the Select men have taken Down
to Serve on the petit Jury at the Inferior Court
as they may be Called for from time to time and
the Same was Committed to the Constables
August ye 28: 1760
at a General Town meeting at the meeting
House it Being Legally warned as appeared
by the Returns of the Constables on their
warrants and proceeded as follows Jonathan
Hosmer was Chosen moderator for Said meeting
and then it was propounded whether the Town
will accept of those mens Names the Select
men have taken Down to Serve on the petit
Jury at the Inferiour Court as they may be
Called for from time to time and it passed in
the affirmative and then the meeting was
February ye 2: 1761
To an order to mr David Brooks for one Shilling
and four pence it being for his Service in Runing
the Line Between Littleton and Acton |
February ye 14: 1761
To an order to mr Ezra Wheeler for two pounds
it being for his Service in keeping School
in Deacon Brooks Squadron |