File/page number: 178
1763 May 2 | Selectmen's meeting (warrant for May 17 Town meeting) |
1763 May 17 | Town meeting |
May ye 2nd 1763 Then the Select men Met and appointed a Town Meeting to be at the Meeting House on Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of this Instant May at two of the Clock in the afternoon to Consider and Conclude on the following articles {viz} |
1 | To See if the Town Chuse a Representative |
2 | To See How Much Money the Town will Raise to Defray the
Necessary Charges that have or may arise this present year within
the Same |
3 | To See How much Money the Town will Raise to Support a
Reading and a Writing School this present year and pass any
other vote that may be thought Proper when Met Relating to
Said School |
4 | To See How Much Money the Town will Raise to Procure the
Rev mr Swifts fire wood this Present year |
5 | To See if the Town will give those men that ware in his Majestys
Service the Last summer Libberty to work out there High way Rate
which they ware assessed the Last year and pass any other vote that
may be thought Proper When Met |
6 | To See How or in What Manner the Town will Dispose of the Pew
Ground Next to the weomans Stairs in the Meeting House |
7 | To See if the Town will Agree to abate Fifteen Shillings and Nine
pence of mr John Cragins Rates that he was assessed the year past
for his Son Francis Cragins Poll by Reason of Said Francis Cragin
Being in his Majestys Service the Last Summer or pass any other
vote that may be thought Proper When Met Relating to that
affair and the Same was Commited to the Constables |
May ye 17th 1763 At a General Town Meeting at the Meeting House it Being Legally Warned as appeared by the Returns of the Constables on there Warrants and Proceeded as follows Deacon John Brooks was Chosen Moderator for Said Meeting and on the first article it was Propounded Whether the Town will Chuse a Representative and it passed in the Negative |
2 | it was Propounded Whether the Town will Raise Twenty Pounds
to Defrey the Necessary Charges that have or may arise this
present year within the Same Voted on the affirmative |
3 | it was Propounded Whether the Town will Raise Twelve Pounds
for to Support a Reading and a Writing School this Present year
voted on the affirmative and then it was Propounded whether the
Town shall be devided into Six parts as usual voted on the affirmative
and then it was Propounded Whether Each Part Shall
have two Pounds of Said money voted on the affirmative |