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Lowell Jan 27th 1864
Dear Brother Jones
I now seat myself to
have a little chat with you by way
of pen ink and paper we are just on
the verge of a new year and the one
I hope that will end this”cruel War”
and the one that we shall see you
home hale and harty and as fat
as some of Mothers turkeys the
papers say the 26th Regt time
expires on the 18th of October, just
in time for thanksgiving.
You had better be sending your
invitations out to meet you at
home then to have them ready.
[p. 2]
I suppose Hepsey is having a
great time down to Martha that
big ship was launched last Sat-
urday that has been lying there so
long I suppose she saw it. Martha
and Nettie stayed two weeks lacking
one day with me. Had a nice time.
Nettie is cunning trys to say every-
thing she hears any one say you
would have some sport with her
now She is small and sprightly.
I received your package con-
taining forty five dollars ($45.00)
last Saturday all safe. I was glad
you sent by Express there was so much
of it. I was afraid you had sent by
Mail and it had been lost. I had
been looking for it some time
after the first of January. I was
very much pleased with those
things gave Martha some sent Hersina
some shall give the rest some
[p. 3]
it had not been opened.
I did not dare to say anything about
it in my other letter for fear they
might have found out and been
watching. I thought it well enough
to use a little caution don’t you
reenlist by any means let some
go that have stayed at home and
enjoyed what the others have been
fighting for there is plenty more
left that can go as well as you.
I know of a number of lazy loafers
that are living at home on their mothers
to[o] lazy to peal their own potatoes.
We have had some very cold weather
and nice Sleighing it is warmer
now and neither Wheeling or Sleighing.
Had a letter from Wealtha last week.
They are all well. The children are having
nice time sliding down hill and
they cant find a hill to suit them.
I should think they might there.
Mary Mead is going to Acton this
[p. 4]
week. She has been down since
thanksgiving was sick is better
now. Murray has had the
Ergsipelas in his foot, was sick
about two weeks, better now
gone to work cant think of any-
thing more only I am keeping house
like everything. We are all well
and hope you are enjoying
the same blessing write as often
as you can. Murray unites in
sending love to you. Eliza Sprague