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Write soon and oblige
G P Paul
Sunday Jan 31st/64
Friend Apothecary Fletcher
I wrote to
you last July which was the last
time I believe. I generally calculate
to write to my friends twice certain
per year, and as much oftener as
I can, so I shall offer no apologies
for not write oftener. I have not
received a letter from you since
writing then but got a paper in
Sept – the Era The weather has
been very cold thus far this winter
but have had not a great quantity
of snow – just enough to make good
sleighing I wish you were here just
for the fun of the thing. by the
way, Hepsa is here. I suppose you
may know it. she trains some
I tell you. you had ought to have
seen her wash Billy’s face one day
I wont say it needed it but she
tried it on and of all looking
objects you ever saw; I guess would
have made you laugh nigh to death
But I wont stop to describe it ‘twould
waste time etc. When you time is
out dont you re-enlist to fight out
a nigger war, if you do it in a drug
shop. Take the advice of a friend
and you wont get hurt. Old Abe
has had the small pox. what a
beautiful fellow he must be,
Business is not very brisk here this
winter, but we have been into the
sleigh business. we have built three
this winter – worth about $50 a piece –
ironed and painted Billy has been
to work at Portsmouth some. he works
about 2 months. We are now building
us a barn – our old one is not large
enough and having sold it we
concluded to build another
What about that affair at 59 New
York Street? how are you getting
along with your inamorata there?
I hear she has curly hair. how’s that
old fellow hey? Just send a fellow
a lock just to remember the
animal by but dont for Gods sake
show this to her else I might lose
some of my scalp locks a thing
that would be much to be
deplored especially by your
humble servant, but I can draw
relief from the thought that she
is some thousands of miles from
Maine. Success to your suit
Fletcher my boy! Give my love
to the folks tce [etc]. News! you dont
suppose there is any such thing
hereabouts do you! if there is I
know it not. My friend William
was drafted to serve his Uncle
Abraham, but he declined
most emphatically the honor,
Do you suppose that by serving in
the Federal army that you serve
your country? No Sir! One of the
Members of Congress introduced
a bill into the House to admit
any Southern State into the
“Union” – bah – whenever the state
or the people of the state threw
down their arms and returned
to their allegiance under the
Constitution they used to be governed
by, but the abolition members to
a man voted against it and
the true patriots that love their
country voted for it as they should
They were Democrats Traitors they
are called – Copperheads too – But
the Abolitionists would have every-
body think no one is pure but
Abolitionists – This is nothing
but a darned Nigger Abolition
Emanci-pation Conscription Confis
cation war to make Army contractors
rich and the poor poorer and kill
off the people But thank God there
is one they will not kill if he can
help it that is your humble servt.
All send their love George P Paul