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Shrewsbury March 20th 1865
Dear Brother.
I received your very
kind letter last eve and will loose
no time in answering it. I have
been home sick and at home too.
it was so lonesome, but I think your
case a hard one. After you get a little
rested and your sleep up I think
you will feel some better there is
no use in taking Medisine for it
for it wont do it any good what in the
world was you about that you did
not sleep any for six nights. I am
afraid that you did not go back looking
as well as you came home we was some
disappointed to think we did not see
you again we got all ready for you
[p. 2]
and some body we did not know
who or how many, we should like
to have seen that stranger that you
speak of in your letter. I hope that they
are a good person one that is worthy
of so nice a young man as I think
you are it is not the pleasure of a day
but for a life time. I am very glad
you had such a good time at home, and
hope the war will be over soon and you will
be released from your prison duty.
I hear from Murray, he had been sick
is better when I heard from him last.
Where did you find those letters.
I got them and will send you
some stamps if I had them but
will remember it next time or some
other. What did you make up your
mind to do about your money?
Shall I draw it and send to Swift
or not if I should go to Philadel-
phia shall go to see him and
can take it, if not should
[p. 3]
send by draft, did you have
any trouble in getting your
State bounty. I was very glad to
hear that William Paul came up
to see you, did not know as he
would take so much trouble to
See a Soldier, he was so oposed to
the war, am sorry you did not
get the other letter we wrote you
for there was two stamps in it.
it is a pitty to have so much to
to the government to support this
war. Uncle Lewis was up here and
stayed a week went home yesterday
he was so busy chopping that he
could not come down to see you
he inquired after you would liked
to have seen you. Harry Faulkner
has gone in company with his
Father in the Mill. Mr. Gates has
sold out to the Col suppose you
will hear of this several times.
the snow is all gone and the
[p. 4]
birds are beginning their joyful
lay and everything indicates
an early spring and we hope
so for we have had a long cold
winter. Newell has sold his steers
got two hundred dollars for them
and bought him another pair.
shall go to Acton in a week or
two you will hear from me when
I get there if I don’t write some
one will so I can put in a word
so you will know where I am.
hoping this will find you
very much improved in health
and homesickness I will close
with much love I remain
as every yours, Eliza Sprague
Write as often as you can
Dear Brother I will just stick in a word
with Eliza. In the first place I am very sorry
you are homesick but I have had the disease
and know what it is. You don’t have it but
once not if you have it thurrough. I should
like to know what in the world you was at
that you did not sleep for six nights. That looks
as though that flame had burst out again
that you thought was most out. Was you to
[reverse side]
the hotel at Marlboro all those nights. If you
was I don’t wonder you are homesick. I wish you
had come up here again. Should liked to have
seen that stranger. Whare is Morse that he
did not go back with you. You must cheer
up and not be homesick for the war they
say is most over and then you can come
home and board to the hotel if you
want to and go sparking all the time.
Write soon Weltha