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Acton Center March 26th 1865
My Soldier Friend
I received a letter from
you last week which I was very glad to get for
I began to think that did not intend to answer
my last. it took you so long to get about it
and am not agoing to let it be so long before I
answer but I do not seem to have much to
write but will the best that I know
We are having beautiful weather the spring has
commenced quite early and I am afraid that
we shall have more winter yet to pay for this.
You spoke about going to see the troops reviewed
I think that it must be a splendid sight and
I should like to see them but I never expect to.
The war news seems to be good and I hope that
it will continue on until this war is brought to
an close and it seems to be the oppinon of the
people in general that it will not be a great
while before it will close.
Do you expect that you shall remain where you
are this summer. I thought that you might have
to go with Gen Sheridan but it seems that
you did not. I hope that you will stop where you
are at present for your sakes.
You said that you thought that
it was well that you was not present to the Levee
we had here I think that you would enjoyed
yourself much but you was not to be here you
said that perhaps that you would not have been
writing to me if you had for if I should get a
look at you I would not write to you for you was
the worst looking young man in the company
(I judged by your writing that you was not
very good looking) but then I do not care for
the looks (beauty is only skin deep) the best
looking people are not the best I should not
judge a man by his looks.
You asked me if Fletcher was present when
we had the Levee I suppose you mean Jones
Fletcher he was I suppose he is with the Co
again I think that he is a fine young man
and pretty good looking. We had a
Military Ball here a few weeks ago we had a
beautiful time do you ever indulge in such
foolish habits. You said there was talk
that they was agoing to give out furloughs again
I hope that you will be one of the lucky ones but
fifteen days is not a very long furlough
You said that you had no doubt but
that I knew who Ezikiel was but I do not I have
tried my best to find out but all to no purpose
I asked Jones Fletcher who you was but he would
not tell me he said I should find out some time
said that you was coming home on a furlough
the next week when he was here but it seems by
our writing that you have not been when
George Reed came home I asked him but I
did not find out and so I have concluded to wait
patiently and patient waiters are no losers.
and I think that I shall find out sometime
You said that you should write very different
if you knew that no one but myself saw them
Now Ezikiel I am not such a girl that show
my letter that shows my letters to the other girls
and that was the reason that you did write
that which would interest me most now I
want you should write just what you think
would interest me and I warrant you that
no one but yourself shall see what you write
I will be true to you if you will be true to
me I should write very different to you but I
know that the soldiers show their letters to each
other I heard a solder say that he saw my
letter that I wrote you but I do not care but
I want you should write just what you like I
want you should describe yourself so I shall have
some idea how you look now tell me the truth
no joking I wish that you would give my
respects to Jones Fletcher and tell him that
I believe he promised to write to me when he got back
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You said that you thought that
I would think that you had got
a hair lip if you had I should
rather write than talk with you
I should like if it would not
be asking to much of you to
have you send me your Photograph
I should be much pleased with
it and I will send mine in return
if you wish
I hope Ezikiel that it will not
be so long before you will answer
for I like to get letters from
you I will answer your letters
as often as you write but I do
not know as my letters are
interesting to you but I will
try and make them so if I can
I wish you would write and
tell me where your home is and
about your family if you have a
mother and sister I think that
I will close
Write soon
[top p.2]
I will close by bidding you good night and
pleasant dreams
Yours truly Mary W. R.