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To se what ye town will alow ye Constables for thare Extra ordnary forces for Colecting ye Tax Rate for three years Coming
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To se if ye Town will agree to alter ye way in William Conants Land from an open way to a bridel way
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To se if ye town will agree to underpin ye meetinghouse
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To se if ye town will agree to hier ye Pound of Daniel Shepard, or build a new one
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To se if ye town will agree that ye selectmen shall have no power to Draw any money out of ye treasurey for victuals or Drink
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To se if ye Town will agree that the swine shall Run at Larg this year
Acton March ye 28 1737
At a Ginnaril [General] Town meeting Being Legaly warned as apeired by ye Returns of ye Constables warrants of Acton meeting at ye house of Joseph Barnes in Sd town at ten ye Clock In ye forenoon John Davis was Chosen moderator of Sd meeting &----- Proseeded on ye severel Articles as Folloeth Viz---- To chuse Town offisors Simon Hunt was Chosen town Clark Joseph Fletcher was Chosen ye first Constable & ye meeting was adjorned while tomorrow to meet at ye mee[t]ing house fraim at ten of ye Clock in ye forenoon In acton_____
Acton March ye 29: 1737
At a Ginaral town meeting which was by an ajornment from march ye TwentyEighth to march ye 29____ To ye meeting house frame at teen of ye Clock in ye forenoon In acton ye town was assembled & ye meeting was___ Opened & ajorned to ye House of Joseph Barness in Sd Acton For one hour John Davis being moderator of Sd meeting & proseeded on ye Articlles as folloeth viz____ Town offesors Jonathan Billings was Chosen ye second Constable / Simon Hunt John Brooks & Jonathan Parlin Was Chosen Selectmen & ye Selectmen was Chosen Asesers for Sd Town & Mr John Barker was Chosen treasurer for Sd town & William Pairce John Sheperd Amos Prescott Samuel Houward Zacariah Emery was Chosen Surveyors of Highways & ____ Andrew Darby was Chosen Tything man Benjamin Brabrook & Daniel Sheperd was Chosen fence Viewers ----- John Cragin was Chosen Surveyor of Hemp & flax William Conant & David Brooks was Chosen Hog reves which Was Chosen & Sworn Into their respective offises in Sd town For ye year insuing
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Article to se what ye town will Doe Relating to ye maintanance of ye widdow Elizebeth Sheperd noted that ye Selectmen should manidg [manage] that afare then ye town voted that they would act on ye Last article
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