14: 1737
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Article voted: that ye Swine shall run at Large this year & Then ye meeting was Adjorned untill ye twelf day of April Next at ten of The Clock in ye forenoon to Joseph Barnes in Sd town for to consider ye other eleven Articles that was left in ye warrant afore Said
Acton April ye 12th 1737
at a Gineril town meeting of ye Inhabatants of Acton At ye House of Joseph Barnes in Sd town at ten of ye Clock In ye fore- noon Sd meeting being by an ajornment from March ye 29th 1737 Mr John Davis was moderator of Sd meeting & proseeded on ye Reimaing articles as folloeth viz on ye 3 article
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Propounded whether ye town woold discontinew ye way that was Laied out from Littleton way to John Davis his saw mill voted that They woold Dismiss that article
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Propounded whether or no ye Town woold discontinuew ye way that was Laid out over ye brook at ye Rock & agree to have It Go over ye Brook at or Near ye old ford way where It may be Convenant Voted that they woold Not
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It was Propounded whether or No ye Town would Build a Bridge over ye Brook at or Near John Shepards & Joneses saw mill To accomadate Sd Shepard: or Except of a way laided out by ye Selectmen of Acton over ye Brook or Pond Voted that they woold build a Bridge over ye Brook Beside ye mill aforesaid
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Propounded whether ye town woold alowe Joseph Barnes of Sd Town to Have Nine pounds Seven Shillings & six Pense oute of ye Tax money It being his Due for fraiming ye meeting house Voted on ye affirmative
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Propounded whether ye Town woold Except of Two ways Laid out by ye Selectment of Acton in ye year of 1736 It Was moved to apeer that one was Laid out for to Acomadate Gorge Robbins of Stow which way was Laid out June ye 22th [illegible] Voted in ye Afarmative A way was discribed as followeth viz Beginning on ye wast side of ye Brook from Mr Gorge Robbins Land so across ye Brook By a Heap of Stones on ye East side of Said Way so on to a stake & Stones & so to ye South Eand of Simon Hunts wall to ye way that was Laid out by ye Selectmen of Concord Said way to be two Rods wide |
The other was Laid out by ye Selectmen of Acton August ye 17th of [?] as was made appeared
at ye Sd meeting to accomadate
to go to meeting Mr John Davis of Acton + viz voted in the affirmative: Sd way was discribed as folloeth viz Beginning at a Great oak marked whare Connants + Perces way Comes up to Darbys then to a white oke then to a white oak to a gray ok then to a walnut then to a black oke & so to ye Line between the towns of Concord & Acton & so on ye Line to Groton Rode ye bound on ye South side of ye Rode