Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 018

1737 October 24 Town meeting (continued from previous page)
1737/8 January 16 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for January 25 Town meeting
1737/8 January 25 Town meeting
1737/8 February 6 Town accounts
1737/8 January 28 Town accounts

1737/8  18
2 It was it was Propounded whether they will Glayse their meeting House Voted in ye afarmitive Lt John Heald Mr Thomas Wheeler and Joseph Fletcher was chosen a commitee to leet out Sd work
3 It was Propounded whether Mr Jonathan Parlin Mr John Cragin & Mr Danniel Sheperd should be a Committee to ajust aCounts with ye town treasurer and voted in ye afirmative
4 Propounded whether ye town will allow Cor Joseph Wright three pounds & four shillings out of ye treasury voted in ye afarmitive
5 Propounded what ye town woold Do about Richard Greens Chares [chores] in his last sickness & Voted that ye Selectmen should pay Mr Timothy Minot his Demands for his troble about Line out of ye town Treasury & ye meeting was Dismist

Acton January ye 16th 1737 / 8
The Selectmen met and Appinted a town meeting to be on Wednesday ye twenty fifth Day of January Current at ye meeting House in Sd town on ye affairs as followeth viz
To se what money ye town will Raise for Glazeing their meeting House allso what money ye town will Raise to Support Preching and allso how ye town woold pay Mr Joseph Fletcher for provideing a [illegible] for ye Pulpit, allso to See how ye town woold Prosede to Ballance acconyts for seting up ye meeting House frame

Acton January ye 25th 1737
At a Ginerail town meeting Being Legally warned of the Inhabitants of ye town aforesaid at ye meeting House in Sd town Mr Joseph Fletcher was Chosen moderator for Sd meeting & prosceded on ye articles as folloeth viz
1 to Se what money ye Town woold rais for glayeing their meeting House voted they woold raise thirty Pounds
2 to se what money ye town will Raise to support Preching voted they will Raise fifty Pounds
3 to see how they will pay Mr Joseph Fletcher for ye [illegible]
voted that he shall have It out of ye Town money
4 to se which way ye town will Prosced to Ballance acco-
mpts [accounts] for seting up ye meeting House frame voted that ye Commite that was Chosen to Receive ye accompts viz Mr Samell Prescott Mr John Brooks Mr Mark White be m- poured [empowered] to Receive & ajust accompts at or before ye the fifteenth Day of February Next insuing & then ye meet ing was Dismist

Acton February ye 6th 1737/8
To an order to Enoch Cleveland for two pounds & seventeen shillings out of ye town money for Keeping ye widow Shepard In Full from ye Sixth of Juine Last to ye six of this Instant
2 – 17
Acton February ye 6th 1737/8
To an order to Nathan Robbins for one pound out of ye Town money for a buring [burying] Place Due from ye town
1 - 0
Acton January 28th 1737/8 Town Order to Mr Timothy Minot for fifteen shillings [illegible] out of ye towns money 0 - 15

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