Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 019

1737 February 16 Town accounts
1737 Marcy 10 Town accounts
1737 March 18 Town accounts
1737 February 20 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for March 6 Town Meeting
1737/8 March 6 Town meeting (continued on next page)

1737/8 19
Acton February ye 16th 1737/8
To an order to Mr Joseph Burns to ye Constables viz Mr Joseph Fletcher& Mr Jonathan Billing for Eighty Pounds It Being in full agreed on for finishing ye meeting House & ordered out of ye tax money 80-0-0

Acton March ye 10th 1737/8
to an order to ye Constables viz Mr Joseph Fletcher Mr Jonathan Billing to pay ye Commett for Glaysing ye meeting House ye whole of ye Glaysing Rate 30 – 0 – 0

Acton March ye 10th 1737/8
to an order to Daniel Shepard for ye pound out of ye towns money 0 – 11 – 0
Acton March ye 10th 1737/8
to an order to John Brooks for two pounds & eleven shillings and Eleven pence out of ye towns money it being due to him for Time & money Expended in ye year 1737 2 – 11 – 11
Acton March ye 10th 1737/8
to an order to Jonathan Parlin for one pound & three shillings 1 – 3 – 0
Acton ye 10th 1737/8
to an order to Simon Hunt for gathering ye tax money out of ye towns money two pds & ten shillings 2 – 10 – 0
Acton March ye 18th 1737/8
to an order to Mr Joseph Fletcher to disbust [disperse?] seven pounds & sixten shilling out of his tax rate to pay for ye [illegible] 7-16-0

Acton, February ye 20th 1737/8
then ye Selectmen met & appinted a town meeting to be on ye 6th Day of march currant at ye meeting House in Said town at teen of ye Clock in ye fore Noon on ye Articles following viz first to Chuse town offisers for this present year and allso to se if ye town will Apint a day for fasting & prayer to God with ye advice & assistance of some of ye nabouring minsters for further Directions in Establishing ye Gospel amung them and allso who & how maney thay will
2 advise with and allso Chuse a committ to mannig ye affaire & pro- vide for ye Pulpit for ye time to come
3 to se if ye town will Chuse a man to take care of ye meeting House
4 to se if ye town will hire ye pound of Daniel Sheperd or build a new one
5 to se if ye town will Except of a way Laid out by ye Selectmen [illegible] last from Near mark Whites towards ye meeting House as may be shown by a return of Said way
6 to se if ye town will Except of a Bridle way laid out by ye Select- men from ye NorthEst corner of David Brookses House Lot towards ye meeting House in Said town as may be shown by a return of ye way
7 to se if ye town will Keep ye bridge in repair Erected over ye Grait Brook Called Laws Grait Bridge
8 to se if ye town will agree to Let ye swine run at Large this year

Acton March 6 1737/8
At a Ginarel Town meeting being Legally warned and apeared by the Return of ye Constables warrants at ye meeting House in sd town Mr Joseph Fletcher was Chosen moderator & proseded in ye afares here after mentioned first to Chuse town offesers Simon Hunt was Chosen Town Clerk Mr John Brooks was Chosen ye first Constables Mr Jonathan Parlin was Chosen ye Second Constable & Lt John Heald Joseph Fletcher
and Simon Hunt was Chosen Selectmen & ye Selectman was Chosen assessers & Mr John Barker was Chosen Town Treasurer & Thomas Law William Cutting Nathan Robbins Mark White Joseph Wheeler Thomas Wheeler was chosen Survayers of highways

Jonathan Housmare [Hosmer] was chosen John Law Andrew Darby David Procter was chosen fens viwers [viewers] Danniel Shepard Timothy Brooks Benjamin Lamson John Darby was chosen hog reives 2 to se if ye town

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