September ye [illegible] 1740: To order to Mr Enoch Cleveland
for one pound & two shillings & four pence in full
for keeping ye widdow Sheperd |
} 1-2-4
Feabruary ye 27th: 1740/1
to an order to ye widdow Mary Sheperd in full for
Keeping ye widdow Elizebeth Sheperd |
} 4-11-0
February ye 23th: 1740/1
To an order to Daniel Sheperd for his servis
in caring out John Stewerd & feamily in part |
} 2-10-0
March ye 2nd: 1740/1
to an order to Jonathan Wheeler for four shillings |
} 0-4-0
ye same day an order to myself for my servis & money
Expended in ye year 1740 -------------------------- |
} 2-10-0
April ye 26th 1741 to an order to
Josiah Piper for one po[u]nd & fifteen shill-
ings for his taking Care of ye meeting house |
} 1-15-0
to an order for two pounds to myself not ansured [answered?]
in page 29 in ye year 1739/4 |
} 2-0-0
May ye 15th 1741 to an order to Nathan Robbins
for Eight Shillings Due for ye Euse of ye pound |
} 0-8-0
Feabuary ye 6th 1741 to an order to ye Widdow Sheperd
in full for keeping ye owld [old] Widdow Sheperd |
} 5-14-4