Feabruary ye 23rd: 1740/1 then the selectmen met & Appinted
a town meeting to be on ye 2 Day of march at teen of ye
Clock at ye meeting House in said town to Consider on ye
articles hereafter mentioned viz-----
1 |
first to Choose Town offisers for ye insuing year ---
2 |
to se if ye town woold agree to have a Reading riteing
and moveing Scool for six months or do any other thing
Relating to that affare that may be thought proper when met
3 |
to se if ye town will agree to pay their town [Rates] in Land
Bank money ---
4 |
to here the mind of the town Relating to ye Charge that
aris on ye Account of John Stewerd ---
5 |
to se if ye town will agree to Provide Powder & Bullets to be
Kept in Town Stock ---
6 |
To se if ye town will Except of a way Laid out by ye
Select men in ye Southwest part of Said town Referd
to this meeting |
7 |
to here ye Request Samuel Jones & Joseph Barns as shall
be further made to Appear At Said meting
8 |
to se if ye town will let ye Swine Run at Large this year
the Same was Commited to ye Constables
March ye 2nd 1740/1
at a Ginl [General] town meeting Being Legally warned as Appered by ye Returns of ye warrants
Mr Zacriah Emery was Choosen moderator for sd meeting
1 |
Simon Hunt Town Clerk & Selectmen allso John Brooks
and Andrew Derby & ye Selectmen was assessors Mr Jonathan
Billing town treasurer Samuel Jones Nathan Robbens was
Choosen Constables / Zacaryah Emery / Joseph Barns / Jona-
than Parlin Jonathan Hosmer. Ezekiel Davis Titus Law
was Choosen Surveors of highways / Mr John Berker seeler of
weights & Measurers / John Davis Juner [junior] Samuel Wheeler Juner was
Choosen Deer Reefes [reeves] / Fense Viewers David Furbush / David Procter / hog
reefes Enoch Cleaveland Micheal Robbens all sworn as ye Law D[irects]
2 |
propounded whether ye town Keep a Scool Six months voted
in ye Affermitive
3 |
article continued till may meeting
4 |
article Left with ye Select men as they shall be advised
5 |
propunded whether whether thay git a town Stock of Powder & Bullets voted affirm
6 |
propounded whether ye town will Except of a way Laid out
by ye select men in ye Southwest part of said town from Steven
Farrs to Concord Line voted in ye affirmitive Recorded in pg 3 |