Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 040

1742 May 11 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for May 21 meeting
1742 January 21 Town accounts
1742/3 March 8 Town accounts

  Acton May ye 11th: 1742 the Selectmen met and and agreed on a town meeting to be on the 21st of may Currant at ye meeting in the Said town on the Articles here after mentioned viz first to se if the town will Chouse sum person to Represent them at ye Grait and Gineril Court
2 to se What ye town will Do Relating the Committ that was Choosen formerly to Glaze ye meeting house that they they may have there money
3 to se What money the Town will Raise to Defray Nasse- sary Charges this present year
4 to se if the town will Reconsider there former vote pased at the town meeting in march the first 1741 Relating to the pew Ground which is not built upon nor Disposed of in our meeting House and allso to se if ye town will Do justis & sell the Pew Ground in our meeting House which is not yet Built upon to the highest biders in our town& Lay the money out towards Finishing ye meeting House so that Every proprietor of this meeting may have his proper Right in the Same and to se if the town will make Choyce of a Commett to mannage that affair as may [illegible] by a Request at said meeting
5 to se if the town will Give Libberty to Mr Jonathan Wheeler to build the Pew that was formerly voted to him by the vote of the town and will appeer by his Request at said meeting
6 to se if the town will agree to Chuse a Commett to provide materiels to finesh ye meeting Huse or any part of it and the town shall agree when met and the Same was Commeted to the Constables

January ye 21st: 1742: to an order ^to Nathan Robbens for three pounds & fourteen shillings ould tenour allowed on [illegible] & Mr Emerys Rates & the Euse of ye pound 3-14-0
March ye 8: 1742/3 to an order to Nathan Robens for six shillings & nine pence allowed on John Dudlys province Rate 0-6-9

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