Acton Memorial Library

Acton Memorial Library

Early Town Records of Acton, Massachusetts

File/page number: 041

1742 May 21 Town meeting
1742 December 24 Selectmen's meeting: warrant for December 31 town meeting

Acton 1742 41 May the twenty 20 first 1742
  At a Gineril Town meeting at the meeting house in Said town being Legally warned as appeer by the Return of the warrant being met proseeded as followeth mr andrew Darby was Chosen the meeting being opened ^it was propounded whether the town will Chuse a Deputy voted in the Negative then Mr andrew Derby was Chousen moderator for Said meeting
2 propounded Whether the town will allow the commetts Request that was Choosen to Glase the meeting House voted in the Nagative
3 it was propounded What money the town will raise to defray Nasasary Charges this present year voted they will Raise thirty five pounds
4 it was propounded whether the town will Reconsider there former vote pased in March the 1: 1741 Relaiting to the Pew Ground that is Not yet bult upon voted in the affermitive also propounded whether they will sell the pew ground to ye highest Bidder voted in affirmative allso propounded whether the town will Chuse a Commett to manig the affar voted in the affermitive and made Choyce of Mr Mark White Jonathan Billing Nathan Robbens as a Commett for that purpose
5 article propounded & Dismist
6 propounded Whether the town will Finesh the meeting house all above the Gallery sells [sills?] to gather with the stones voted in ye affarmitive all propounded Whether thay will chuse a commtte to provide materials and se the work dun voted in the affermitive and made Choice of Samll Jones Mark White Juner and Garshom Davies Juner to manage the affare Then the meeting was Dismist

Acton December ye 24th: 1742 then the Select men met& Appinted a town meeting to be on ye Last Day of December
Current at the meeting house in said town at one a Clock after noon to Consider on the articles hereafter mentioned viz
1 to here ye mind of the town Relaiting Peter Murfie
2 to se whether ye town will have a scool
3 to se whether ye town will Chuse a commett to Go on with finishing ye meeting house according to ye vote of ye town or do any other thing on the affare
4 to se if ye town will allow ye Commett that was Choosen to Glaze ye meeting house there Demands or do anything in ye affare
5 to se if ye town will allow Sam[uel] Hay[ward] in steed of Furbush
6 to se whether Select men shall make Mr Swifts Rode the same was comt [committed] to ye Constables

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