File/page number: 049
1743/4 March 5 | Town accounts |
1744 March 30 | Town accounts |
1744 May 19 | Town accounts |
1744 November 16 | Town accounts |
1744 November 24 | Town accounts |
1744 November 30 | Town accounts |
1743/4 49
March ye 5th : 1743/4 To an order to Josiah Piper for two pound four shillings old Tenor it being In full for his his takeing Care of the meeting House | 2-4-0 |
March ye 5th : 1743/4 To an order to John Cragin for Twelve Shillings old Tenor it being for his service in full for makeing rates | 0-12-0 |
at the same time an order to Samll Jones for one pound old Tenor in full of his Service for making Rates | 1-0-0 |
at the same time an order to Samll Davis for Two pounds and Eight shillings old Tenor it being In full for his servise for making Rates | 2-8-0 |
March ye 5th 1743/4 to another order to mark white Junr for six shillings old Tenor it being remitted on his Brother Chamberlins Rates | 0-6-0 |
March ye 5th 1743/4 for an order to Samll Hayward for one pound two shillings & Eight pence old Tenor it being Remitted on Timonty Farrars Rates | 1-2-8 |
March ye 30th 1744 To an order to Mr Nathan Robins for seaventeen shillings and six pence (old Tenor) it being for the use of the pound the two years past and for making an Hook for the meeting House Door it Being the whole of his Demands | 0-17-6 |
May ye 19th: 1744 To an order to Mr David Forbush for five shillings old tenor it Being Remited on John Melvins Rates | 0-5-0 |
November ye 16 1744 To an order to Deacon Fletcher for twelve pounds six shillings & six pence for glazeing the Meeting House the whole of his demands | 12-6-6 |
also for three shillings for Runing Lines | 0-3-0 |
November ye 24: 1744 to an order to Daniel Shepherd for five pounds fifteen shillings and eight pence old tenor it being in full for his keeping the Widdow Shepherd until this day | 5-15-8 |
November ye 30 1744 to an order to Mr Mark White for four pounds old tenor for keeping School | 4-0-0 |