Being Notified by the Select men of Chelmsford to
perambulate the Line Between the Town of Chelmsford
and Acton and Deacon Adams and Daniel Procter of Chelmsford
and Andrew Darby and John Davis Juner of Acton Did Join in said
affare Beginning at a heap of stones then East to a pine
stump and stones then to a pine stump and stones in
Emery’s meadow then a heap of stones on a pine stump
then a pine tree dead in vergenia meadow then to a white
oak tree where Billerica and Chelmsford Corner is
may ye 14th: 1744
May ye 18 1744
Then the Select men met and Appointed a Town meeting
at the meeting House
in sd Twon to be on Friday the twenty
fifth Day of may at one of the Clock in the Afternoon to Con-
sider & conclude on the articles here after-mentioned
viz 1 to see if the town will agree to Chuse a person to
represente them at the Great and General Court to be
Holden at Boston on the Thirtieth Day of this instant may
2 |
To see if the Town will agree to make good the Rev
Mr John Swifts salary for the year Ensuing according to
the Contract made with him and also to see if the Town will
agree to Chuse Two men to joyn with two men that the
Rev Mr Swift shall Chuse to apportion said salary according
to agreement
3 |
to see what money the Town will Raise to Defray
necessary Charges that shall arise this present year within the same
4 |
to see if the Town will agree to Finish the Body of Seats
in their meeting House this present year and also to Chuse
a committee for that purpose
5 |
to see if the Town will agree that Every man shall have
Liberty to work out his Rate for the Highways this present year
6 |
To see if the Town will agree to have a Reading & a writ-
ing School this presant year and also to see what money the
Town will Raise to support the same and also to see when
the town will agree to Begin said School and also to see what
action the Town will take that Every part of the Town
shall have there proportion Thereof
7 |
To see if the Town will agree that Mr David Forbush
should have Liberty to make a window against his pew
in Case he keeps it in Repair and the same was
Committed to the Constables |
January ye 17th: 1744
To an order to Jonathan Hosmer for four pounds
old tenor it being for his service in keeping School
to be paid out of the school money |